Thursday, December 31, 2009

What A Decade

I can not believe that we are on the verge of telling a decade goodbye. I remember, as many of you do, all of the craziness surrounding the possible Y2K events. Everyone was all worked up about computers shutting down, gas pumps not working, bank vaults locking, and so forth. Fear and anticipation was in the air. Well, Y2K did not happen, but there were alot of things that did. None of us forsaw the events of 9/11. No one would have predicted that we would be fighting two wars in the middle east. Katrina and the tsunami of South East Asia took everyone by suprise. There were some truely devasting moments in the world this past decade, and perhaps in your own life. For me, this decade began with the loss of my first wife. It was an event that I never would have seen myself going through. It taught me how valuable life is and how temporary it can be. A year and a half later, I stood at the front of a church and watched my wife Shea walk towards me. It was, and still is, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She looked so radiant as she came towards me. My life changed that day. She has been my life for the last 8 years. She has given me two wonderful boys and a lifetime of memories. She has supported me as a youth pastor, evangelist, and for the last 6 years, as a pastor. In 2006 we had our first son and at the end of 2008 we had our second. The decade began with loss and has ended with new life. I am so thankful for what God has done for me and through me this past decade. I can look back on many occassions where I failed Him and He could have left me in my messes, but His grace and mercy have been there time and time again. I know that it is God who has brought me through all that I have gone through in the past 10 years and it will be Him that will lead me into the next 10. Only God knows what is ahead. All we can do is hold onto Him and let Him lead us through all of the good and the bad. As I stand on the border of the past and the future, I can truely testify that all things work together for the goood for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. God bless and Happy New Year.

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