Sunday, January 31, 2010

Handeling Our Enemies

Genesis 42:6-8

Imagine what it must have been like for Joseph to see his brothers for the first time since they sold him into slavery. All of the emotions and memories flooding back at one time. Have you, or do you have, someone in your life who has so terribly mistreated you that the very thought of them causes you to become sick to your stomach or overwhemingly angry. Joseph at this moment, because of the power he now has in Egypt, could have had all of them arrested and sentenced to death. He had the ability to repay them for all that they had before done to him. However, we find that revenge is not what God wants us to act on. Those who are really close to God's heart can't find it in them to make others "pay." They find a compassion within themselves that comes from the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us in I John 1:7 that we are to walk in the light as He is in the light. In other words, we are called to walk or live as Christ lived on earth. Jesus once told his disciples to love the one's who hated them and to pray for those who used them. What a concept! To actually treat someone who has done us so much wrong as if they had blessed us! Now realize, you or I either one can do this in our own selves. We need the Holy Spirit working in us to accomplish this. Philippians 2:13 says, "it is God who works in us both to will and to do His good pleasure." It is the Holy Spirit who must change the way we think and do things.
So, how did Joseph respond to seeing his brothers for the first time? The Bible says that he wept. After hiding his identity and putting them through a few things in order to get them to bring the whole family down to Egypt, he not only made sure that they were fed, but that they also had fields to raise their animals. He told them that he knew that they had meant evil for him, but that God had turned it out for good. He looked not at that one moment that caused his life to go on a downward spiral, but at the whole picture. The problem with most of us is that we tend to look at moments in our lives instead of the whole. God works in the whole. The Bible says that ALL things work out to the good. God takes all of the moments in our lives, both good and bad, and causes them to become a beautiful life. There are people in your life that you are avoiding because they have done you wrong. You do everything possible to forget that they exist, but Jesus came to rescue His enemies. We were at one time enemies to the love of God, but Jesus came while we were sinners, or enemies, to rescue us. Start praying for your enemies. Start looking for ways to reach out to them. Perhaps the Holy Spirit can use you to "feed" them the Bread of Life and see them give their hearts to the Lord.
Father God, I come to you this morning and I thank you for all of your blessings. I thank you that even though we could not get to church this morning, you have made ways for us to communicate and share the Word. I pray that you will help us to walk as you have walked. I pray that you will help us to deal with our enemies as you would and have. Give us the strength to be what you have called us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day!

Actually it is an ice day mingled with a little bit of snow. Here in Rock Hill, SC we have actually gotten some winter weather. Now that most of us will be shut up in the house today, how will we spend it? Some of us will make soup and just lay aroung. Some of us will play games and watch movies, and a few may even get outside for a little while. All of those things are great, and I will probably do a little of all of them. However, I challenge you to use this "down" time as an opportunity to spend a little extra time with God. We have been given this blessed opportunity to slow down today and rest. God has given us the time to just relax today and unwind. Some of you have been praying for God to help you give Him more time in your day. Here is your chance. Take some time today to curl up with your Bible and pray. Meditate on what you read and let the Holy Spirit speak to you. Enjoy your day and God bless.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Leaders in Training

Yesterday I posted on what I call the "leadership issue." I know that I may have sounded frustrated, but really I'm not. I realize that at the core, we all want the same thing, and that is to be used by God. Some have been called and some have been called to follow. Today, I want to speak to those who are leaders in training. I feel like I most identify with this level. Because of my position as senior pastor, I am a leader. However, I know that I have not arrived yet and that there is much to be learned. When I read in Genesis the story of Joseph, several things come to mind that I want to share today. First, don't get ahead of yourself and tell everybody what you feel the Lord is going to do in your life. When Joseph acted like this it brought resentment upon him from his own family. The Bible tells us that when Mary heard different things about Jesus from the angels and the shepherds, that she kept them to herself. We don't always have to talk when the Lord does. Second, expect some of those close to you to turn their back. Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers. They did not understand the fathers favor on him and they were jealous. Sometimes when others in the church see God's favor on you it will cause them to become jealous and act out. Third, suffering comes before success. Before Joseph could fully step into his destiny he suffered. More lies were told on Joseph and he ended up in a prison cell. Yet no matter what happened to him and no matter how low life got, he kept his faith in God and what God had told him. Because of this, God's favor was with him in the well, as a slave, and in the prison. Suffering helps to build our faith and trust in the Lord and His promises. To all of you who are in this training mode, walk it out in faith and let the Lord be your Teacher. God bless

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Leadership Issue

I am a young guy by most standards. I am 30 years old and have been in ministry for 11 years now, 6 of those as senior pastor at Friendship Church of God. I have noticed a trend among guys my age in ministry. They don't like leadership. They seem to have a hard time with the "older" guys who lead our movements. They seem to always have a better model of ministry that they believe would work better, and in some cases it may. However, we must remember that the Bible teaches us that all authority is given and granted by God. I hear guys talk about how long some have served and that they need to get out of the way so someone else can take the position. What they really mean is "get out of my way!" They fail to realize that those who lead us have gone through the same process that some of us are now going through. They also fail to realize that just because "they" want to be in leadership, doesn't mean that God wants them too. I may sound like I'm on a soap box today, and maybe I am, but I believe that we should follow the model in the Bible of Elisha who patiently waited on Elijah and even when it was time for Elijah to leave and Elisha to take over, Elisha was broken hearted and did not want his mentor to go. He was known as the man who "watered the hands of Elijah." The disciples were trained by Jesus himself to do "greater works" than what He had done, but at the ascension of Christ they too were broken hearted at the departure of their leader. They loved their leadership and Christ exalted them for it. The way to the top is not to push someone else out of the way, but to humbly serve and respect. I say, sit at the feet of Jesus and let His will for you play out. But what do I know, right. Have a great day and God bless

Monday, January 25, 2010

Out of Joint

Have you ever had a bone get out of joint? I have. I have always loved playing basketball, and one of the most common injuries probably a jammed finger or getting something knocked out of place. Whenever you suffer from one of these injuries the pain can effect the whole body. I remember the first time I jammed my finger, I thought that I had broke it. The pain was horrible and it started swelling immediately. I thought about that this morning and how that when we get out of God's will for our lives it has the same result. Whenever we are outside of God's plan for us it causes us "pain" in all areas of our lives. We get totally uncomfortable and easily frustrated at everything. In so many words we become miserable. Perhaps that is what is wrong with some of us. We have been unhappy for a while and can't seem to figure it out. We have been frustrated and can't explain it. We are not happy in our relationship with God and don't know what to do about it. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 13 that we are to examine ourselves and see where we are in the faith. We should examine our lives and give ourselves a spiritual "physical" to see what exactly is out of place. Get back in place today and watch the joy of the Lord fill your life. God bless.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Give It Your Best!

How much effort do you put into serving God? How much effort do you put into your job, or your marriage, etc? I went to watch my son play basketball this morning. He is on a 4 year old team that doesn't know all of the rules yet or how to really play the game. However, they knew enough to play and even made some baskets. During the game the coach served as the refs and gave constant instructions to the kids as they ran up and down the court. No matter whether they scored or turned the ball over, they were having fun. They were giving it their all. As I came home and began to think about the game, the Holy Spirit began to teach me. No matter how old we get, we are still learning. No matter how long we have been serving God, we are still learning. No matter how long we have been married, we are still learning. We never stop learning. To stop learning is to stop growing and caring. I did a funeral for a godly man this past week that was 91 years of age and he constantly told me he was still learning. As we go through life we have a coach/ref that is going up and down the court with us giving us instructions and keeping us in check as far as the rules go. He is the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He would not leave us alone, but would send the Holy Spirit to go with us in this life. That doesn't mean that I won't make mistakes as I go, but it does mean that when I do, He is there to help. This morning as the kids were playing, they sometimes dribbled the ball and sometimes they kicked it. Whatever they were doing they gave it there best effort. That is my word to you today. Go give God your best. Go give your marriage and your family your best. Go to work or school this week and give it your best. God bless

Friday, January 22, 2010

Making a Difference

How are we making a difference in the lives of those around us? In Matthew chapter 8, we find that everywhere Jesus went, He was make a huge difference. Not only were individual lives changed, but in one instance, a whole area was affected. As I read this, I began to think about how that is how we are to be as well. We are the ambassodors of Christ. We are His representitives here on earth. We are to be His hands and feet. Jesus still wants to reach the lost, feed the poor, heal the sick, cast out devils, and restore the broken hearted around us. Every where we go, there are hurting people. There are those who really need to know that Jesus can do for them what He did for those in the Bible. He has not changed. However, He is looking for those who will allow Him to work through them. Do we have the kind of sold out relationship with Christ that will allow Him to use us as He wants too? Do we have the faith to follow Him anywhere to do His work? Do we think of others before we think of ourselves? As you go through this day, ponder those questions and let us start making a difference for Him. God bless

Monday, January 18, 2010

Remembering Clyde

As I sit at my desk this morning I am planning the message that I will deliver tomorrow at the memorial service of Clyde Smith. Clyde was 91 years old and had ministered the Gospel for over 60 years. He fought in Europe during WWII and lived through some of the toughest fought battles of the war. After coming home, he felt the call to ministry and gave his life to serving God. In the early 60's, he felt led to start a new church and with the help of a few others, my grandparents included, they started the Westside Church of God. At the age of 11 I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and called to preach this wonderful Gospel message in that church. All my life I had heard of this man named Clyde but had never met him. About five years ago his granddaughter started attending our church along with her family. It wasn't long before that name Clyde came up in conversation. I will never forget the morning that he pulled up for the first time in our parking lot. I even remember what he was wearing. When this elderly gentleman that I had never met before got out of his little truck and someone told me who it was, fear came over me. I quickly became very nervous. I was a young pastor who was still trying to find my way in ministry and here comes a "pro." I do not remember what I preached that morning, but I remember thinking, "I can't bomb this one." Thankfully, with a great deal of help from the Lord, the service must have went well, because Clyde and Ann have been with us ever since. He preached for me and prayed for me many times over the last few years. He would often tell me, "this is how it used to be in the church." We both had a passion for the move of the Holy Ghost in the lives of God's children. We both wanted lives to be saved and for those lives to walk everyday in His presence. Today, Clyde is closer to God than ever before. Though we miss him, we rejoice that he has seen his Friend. God bless

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Praying for Haiti

Yesterday, the Holy Spirit truely convicted my heart. I have been aware of the circumstances in Haiti this week, and I have prayed for them. However, because the events did not directly affect me, I did not pray as I should have. I have been caught up this week in my own world. As I posted yesterday, one of my members became very ill this week and I spent alot of time with them and the family. This is not an excuse, just the reality. We often focus on the things that deal with us directly and not on the true need of others. Yesterday, I got hold of some photos that were from the ground there in the heart of the devastation and it rocked me. I had to repent for my failure to do what I as a believer am responsible to do. Many lives are in chaos right now. Families are still desperatly searching for loved ones in hope that they are okay. There are reports of crime as people are panicing about survival. They need the church to rise up in this hour. I am thankful for all of those who have gone to help and for all who have given to the relief efforts, but we at home here have a great responsibilty to pray. Not all of us can get on a plane and travel there to help. Not all of us can give large sums of money, but all of us who are born again, can pray and stand in the gap for them. Many there need the love of God to become real to them in this hour. Let us pray that the Gospel can go forth and reach the hearts of the masses. Let us pray that the relief will get there. Let us pray for the healing of a nation. God bless

Friday, January 15, 2010

But God!

I have not been able to post the last few days because I have spent much of that time at the hospital with one of my members. Tuesday morning, Clyde Smith was taken to Piedmont with chest pains and a sick stomach. By evening it was discovered that he had in fact had a mild heart attack. Wednesday he went in for some tests and we were told that there was nothing they could do because his heart was too weak. Clyde will be 92 the end of Febuary. He has lived through the battles of WWII and by all means has lived a full life. He has been a minister of the Gospel for over 60 years and has planted two churches in Rock Hill. He is a man that I admire and look up too. Wednesday night he took a turn for the worst and had to be put on a ventilator. They would have to shock his heart multiple times through the night and early morning. By yesterday morning the family decided not to take those measures anymore and to let life take its course. BUT GOD!!!!!! By lunch time yesterday his vitals were stable and last night they took him off the breathing machines. This morning he shook my hand and wept. The docters admit that it was the grace of God. the nurse said he has never seen anything like this before. I just want to remind you today that no one has the last say in your life but God. As long as we leave all things in His hands, He is able to keep us. There is not anything too hard for Him. I rejoice today that God is still in control!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Radical Living

To be radical means that you are marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional. In other words, you are considered to be extreme. When I read the teachings of Christ, I notice that He was a radical. In Mark chapter 7 verse 13, He says that the "traditional" teachings of man had caused God's Word to have no effect in the lives of people. The purpose of a radical is to restore something to its original purpose. Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, "I have not come to do away with the law, but fulfill it." The intent and purpose of Christ was to restore lost humanity to a right relationship with the Father. To do that, He had to break up the traditional views of the religious. Being a radical means that you change the environment around you. Everywhere He went, there was change. I ask you today, are you and I living a radical faith? Are we making a difference like He would have us too? Begin by listening to His voice today and then following His Word. God bless

Saturday, January 9, 2010

God Can Work IT Out!

As I read Genesis chapter 33 this morning, I was encouraged by how God worked out the meeting between Jacob and Esau. When Jacob had left home he was on Esau's hit list. Now they welcomed each other with an embrace. As a pastor, I face conflict scenarios alot. Situations where people, who are in the Body of Christ, who for whatever reason, can't get alone. There are sometimes family disputes and then there are disputes between friends. One thing that I have to remember is that each has their own side of things and somewhere in the middle of it all is the truth. Sometimes it seems like the issues will never work out and that divide is going to happen, but God is faithful. If we will remember to put all things in our lives into His hands, we will find out how able He is. There is not a situation you or I will face that He can not fix. Nothing is impossible for Him. I don't know what you are going through or facing right now, but God is able. Put it in His hands and watch Him work. God bless

Friday, January 8, 2010

Just on the Other Side!

As I sit at my computer this morning, I feel impressed to encourage some of you. As we go through life, sometimes a mountain pops up in front of us and seems to become an obstacle to where we are going. When this happens it seems to distract us from focusing on God and what He is doing in our lives. The mountain becomes so real to us, that eventually that is all we can see. In Genesis 22 a mountain comes up before Abraham. He finally has his son and everything seems to be going as God had said it would and then, BAM! Out of nowhere God instructs him to take Isaac up to the mountain and sacrifice him. However, Abraham's approach to this is much different than yours and mine. Where we would have complained or become fearful, Abraham simply obeys. He takes his son and tells his servants, "we are going to worship and then RETURN." Did you notice what he just said? He said that they were going to return. He was able to not just see the mountain, but that God was working on the other side. Don't focus on just the here and now. Look beyond this with your faith and know that there will be a ram in the thicket for you too. That God is working even when you don't see Him. He is always in control. God bless

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So Much to Do, So Little Time

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with your schedule? Have you ever felt like you had more to do than there was time in the day? For many of us our lives are constantly in that mode. We go from day to day working as hard as we can, or as much as we feel like it, and most days seem to get nothing accomplished. Life becomes frustrating and we dread going to bed just because we know that tomorrow is coming and it will start all over again. So many people are not enjoying the life that God has given them. We have fogotten that each day is a gift from the Father and that it is to be lived to the fullest with joy. Quit complaining about your job and start praising God that in this economy, you have one. Quit rushing and just slow down and take it all in today. I know that you have alot to do, but whats the point if your gonna have a stroke from all the stress. Learn to have fun again in what you are doing. Learn to be a blessing instead of a problem. Learn to lean on Him again. There is an old hymn entitled "Leaning On the Everlasting Arms." The first verse says, "What Fellowship, what joy divine." I believe that is the first step to reclaiming your joy for each day; the fellowship we have with the Lord. Spend today with Him and He will give you joy. God bless

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Is Most Important?

Yesterday, I took part in a survey on Facebook where you ask your friends to describe you in one word. The goal is to find 20 people who can say flattering things about you. I must say that there were some nice things said about me. It allowed me to see into how others view my life. However, they only see a part of me, and that part is a very small one. You see, others only see into a small window or chapter to who we really are, yet it seems that we spend most of out time fixing up that room so that when they look in, they like what they see. The rest of the house may be a mess, but as long as others think that we have it together, then we are okay with that. We go around pretending to be something sometimes for the benefit of others. STOP! Let's stop worrying so much about what others think and put more focus on what God thinks. While others will only see into that small window of your life, God sees the whole of it. There is nothing hid from Him. When we stand before Him He will not ask others what they thought of us, He will only be concerned with what He saw and heard in our lives. Let us be more concerned with what He would say about us today. God bless

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Start of a New Year

So, how did you spend the first day of not only a new year, but a new decade? My family and I made the rounds yesterday eating the traditional new years day meals. We spent the day just relaxing and enjoying each other. God has richly blessed us and I want to enjoy this year what God has given me. I am not one for making resolutions at the beginning of each year. They never seem to work for any of us. I realize that the only way I am going to change is by the grace of God. However, this year there are some things that I pray the Lord will help me improve in. I want to be more attentive to my family and spend more time with my kids. They are getting older and I can't wait to see Nathan play ball this year. I don't want to be all business and no pleasure. I believe that we are to take the ministry of the Lord seriously, but not so much that we die before our time. Too many ministry leaders are stressed out and killing themselves trying to succeed. That is not what God has called us to do. I encourage you leaders to focus on your strengths this year and allow the Lord to place others around you that can help where you are weak. You are not meant to do it all on your own. This ministy is the Lords and all its successes will be because of Him and not me. I am looking forward to some great times ahead and I pray the Lord's blessings upon you and yours. God bless