Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Leadership Issue

I am a young guy by most standards. I am 30 years old and have been in ministry for 11 years now, 6 of those as senior pastor at Friendship Church of God. I have noticed a trend among guys my age in ministry. They don't like leadership. They seem to have a hard time with the "older" guys who lead our movements. They seem to always have a better model of ministry that they believe would work better, and in some cases it may. However, we must remember that the Bible teaches us that all authority is given and granted by God. I hear guys talk about how long some have served and that they need to get out of the way so someone else can take the position. What they really mean is "get out of my way!" They fail to realize that those who lead us have gone through the same process that some of us are now going through. They also fail to realize that just because "they" want to be in leadership, doesn't mean that God wants them too. I may sound like I'm on a soap box today, and maybe I am, but I believe that we should follow the model in the Bible of Elisha who patiently waited on Elijah and even when it was time for Elijah to leave and Elisha to take over, Elisha was broken hearted and did not want his mentor to go. He was known as the man who "watered the hands of Elijah." The disciples were trained by Jesus himself to do "greater works" than what He had done, but at the ascension of Christ they too were broken hearted at the departure of their leader. They loved their leadership and Christ exalted them for it. The way to the top is not to push someone else out of the way, but to humbly serve and respect. I say, sit at the feet of Jesus and let His will for you play out. But what do I know, right. Have a great day and God bless

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