Friday, October 9, 2009

Finding My Place

Most of us have spent our whole lives trying to find our purpose. We have chased relationships, careers, and money. We thought we would be satisfied with material things or perhaps a position or post. The reality is that our place is with God. Psalms 139:14 says "we are fearfully and wonderfully made." God has created us with care and purpose. I am created in His likeness and image. I have been given the mandate to "replenish" and have "domion." In Psalms 139:17 it says that God has a great "sum" of thoughts or plans for us. I want you to know today that our place is with God. Our place is in His presence and in His work. Apart from that there is no peace or happiness.
As a young pastor, I look around and see how others are doing ministry. I notice that some are very traditional while others are more contemporary. The question for me is, "where do I fit in?" I too sometimes feel like I am torn between two types of ministry. I enjoy the relaxed yet aggressive nature of the contemporary churches and yet I feel at home in a traditional setting. So for some time I have struggled in "finding my place." I have come to the conclusion that for me it is okay to be both. That you don't have to choose because they both identify with a segment of our current culture. We can no longer seperate ourselves by the style that we most prefer. We must as God's children, come together and lift up the name of Christ. The purpose is not to be better than the other or more right than the other, but to reap the harvest. You see, that is my place. The harvest field. So don't hate on me if I wear a suit and don't hate on me if I wear a pair of jeans. Don't hate on someone who spikes their hair and don't hate on someone who parts their hair. Let's just win the lost and let Jesus be Lord. God bless

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