Friday, November 13, 2009

What Keeps You Going?

Today, I want to ask you a question. What is it that keeps you going? How do you continue to move forward when obstacles come at you? What is your motivation? In Hebrews 11:13-16 the Bible tells us how those who have gone on before kept themselves in check. It tells us that they looked ahead for a country. Not just any country, but a heavenly country. You see, they had believed the promises of God. They took God at His Word and moved forward. Life for them was not always easy and many of them faced constant persecution. As you read through chapter 11 you find the "hero's" of faith. Men and women who gave up so much just to believe in God. Many of us struggle with going back to the old life. We struggle with the friends who don't come around anymore because of our new faith. We struggle when we have had a bad day as the enemy tempts us to have a cold one. We struggle with things that used to have a hold on us. As long as we are in this world there will be a struggle. However, we do not have to give in. We must keep going forward. We must not look behind us. In Genesis we find that Lot's wife looked back at the evil country as God was destroying it and it cost her her life. When we look back we will eventually go back. The Bible says here in Hebrews 11 that these men and women of faith never looked back because they were persuaded that a better country lie ahead. I want to encourage you to keep looking forward today. Nothing here is worth losing heaven for. God bless

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