Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Mess, His Grace

In Genesis chapter 3 we are given the details to the fall of mankind. Adam was told by God not to eat from the tree of knowledge and that if he did, he would die. Chapter 3 starts out by telling us that the serpent enticed Eve to rebel against God's word. Eve not only listened to the serpent, but brought her husband in on the act. By doing this they sinned against God and immediately felt the shame for their actions. At that moment death entered the bodies of man. The Bible says that death is the wage or result of sin. Adam had messed up everything that God had given him. He had been given every provision he had need of and all that he had to do was maintain it. Now everything is falling apart, and on top of that they now here God coming into the garden. Adam and Eve hide in the bushes in fear that their failure will be found out. As God begins to call out to them they realize that they cannot hide forever and come out into the open. Understand that God already knew about their sin, He needed them to confess before He could help. God knows all of our shortcomings and yet we think that if we can hide for a little while maybe He won't notice. I want you to realize that no matter how deep in the bushes you hide, He will find you out.
Now we know that Adam and Eve messed up and because of their sins we have all fallen short, but the story does not end with their failure. Chapter 3 finishes out with God showing grace and mercy to Adam and his wife. The Bible says that he made coverings for them out of animal skins. For that to happen an animal had to die. We know that the shedding of animals blood was only a temporary fix for the issue at hand. However, 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came as the Lamb of God to take away our sins for good. He became the perfect sacrifice for us. We have all messed up , but God's grace and forgiveness is as real today as it has ever been. If you are hiding out because of failure, I beg you, come out and let God's grace cover you today. God bless

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