Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Are We Chasing?

I sit down with an old friend this past weekend and spent some time talking about the Church. We talked about both the good and the bad that we see going on. One of the things that we both agreed concerned us was that some are chasing "cool" instead of Christ. I believe that we are in a season where some of the methods that we have been using in having "church" needs to be evaluated and possibly changed. Culture has changed but the Church seems to be stuck. Before you get all worked up, let me explain. The Message of the Church should never change. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to who we are and what we are called to do. There is no other name that men can call on and be saved. Also, we must continue to preach sanctification and a holy lifestyle. We must also preach and exhort the Church to seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost so that we may be empowered to reach the lost. These are things that cannot change, ever! However, there are some things that can. Music, for one, is changing. Every generation has a song to sing unto the Lord. I love the old hymns of the Church and still sing them, however, I love the new worship as well. If the song has the message of Jesus and His love and mercy for us, then sing it. Technology is bringing change to the Church. We can now use video intros and post live stream video's on the internet. These things are changing how "church" is done. My concern is that in developing new ways to reach the communities around us for Jesus, some have begun chasing "cool." For some it is important for them to be the most cutting edge, the most modern, or the most popular. If these are our motives for change, then our change is sin. Our motives should always be to glorify Him who has redeemed us and called us. It should never be about us. We must follow Him into what He wants the Church to be. We must allow Him to tell us how to do His work. Let us chase Christ and not the "cool." God bless

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