Friday, February 26, 2010

Are We Too Rich?

In Matthew chapter 19, the Bible tells us of a conversation between Jesus and a young man known only as a rich young ruler. All we know about this man is that he had "great" posessions and that he cared more for those things than he did God's Kingdom. He ask Jesus the question, "what must I do to get in?" Jesus responds, "follow the commandments." The rich young man says that he had already done those things at which Jesus responds and tells him to give everything he has away to the poor and follow Him. This caused the young man to be troubled and he walked away from Jesus. Some of us will read this passage in Matthew and feel like it doesn't apply to us because we are not rich. I beg to differ. You and I may not have financial prosperity, but we are all rich in something. The problem with the rich young man is that he could not give his life away. He could go through the motions of what it was to serve God, but he could not sell out. Some of us have too many things in our lives that are keeping us from being "sold out." Our job is too important for us to live too holy in the work place. Our friends mean so much too us that we don't want to cause friction with them by telling them about Jesus. Our hobbies are too much a part of our lives that we can't give them up for more time with the Father. Being sold out is not just a cool church song or a statment we can make with our lips. It is a lifestyle that Jesus has called us into. Don't make the mistake today of being "too rich for Heaven." God bless

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