Friday, February 19, 2010


First, I want to begin this morning by telling my oldest son Nathan happy birthday. Four years ago today, Shea and I were in the hospital enjoying our first morning with our first born. I can not describe to you the emotions of that moment when for the first time, I laid my eyes on my son. I love him, and I pray that daily I can be the father he needs me to be, and that he will always see Jesus through my life.
Now, what does the word "holiness" mean to you. I am a member of a Pentecostal denomination here in the U.S. that now spans the globe. Our movement was birthed on the doctrine of holiness. I have been raised in this belief, that we as followers of God should seek a holy lifestyle. I have heard this message preached all of my life. However, yesterday, I heard one of the most convicting messages about holiness that I have ever heard before in my life. It taught me things that I had never looked at before. It made me realize yet again that I have not arrived yet. That I am still not perfect and that there is much to be done in me. I am so glad for God's grace today. I am so thankful that He continues each day to work in me and to work out of me those things that would hinder my relationship with Him. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:14, that we should "follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man will see the Lord." Are you pursuing a holy life today? Are you seeking Him in such a way that you are willing to lay things down that may grieve Him? Seek holiness today that you may see Him. God bless

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