Thursday, December 31, 2009

What A Decade

I can not believe that we are on the verge of telling a decade goodbye. I remember, as many of you do, all of the craziness surrounding the possible Y2K events. Everyone was all worked up about computers shutting down, gas pumps not working, bank vaults locking, and so forth. Fear and anticipation was in the air. Well, Y2K did not happen, but there were alot of things that did. None of us forsaw the events of 9/11. No one would have predicted that we would be fighting two wars in the middle east. Katrina and the tsunami of South East Asia took everyone by suprise. There were some truely devasting moments in the world this past decade, and perhaps in your own life. For me, this decade began with the loss of my first wife. It was an event that I never would have seen myself going through. It taught me how valuable life is and how temporary it can be. A year and a half later, I stood at the front of a church and watched my wife Shea walk towards me. It was, and still is, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She looked so radiant as she came towards me. My life changed that day. She has been my life for the last 8 years. She has given me two wonderful boys and a lifetime of memories. She has supported me as a youth pastor, evangelist, and for the last 6 years, as a pastor. In 2006 we had our first son and at the end of 2008 we had our second. The decade began with loss and has ended with new life. I am so thankful for what God has done for me and through me this past decade. I can look back on many occassions where I failed Him and He could have left me in my messes, but His grace and mercy have been there time and time again. I know that it is God who has brought me through all that I have gone through in the past 10 years and it will be Him that will lead me into the next 10. Only God knows what is ahead. All we can do is hold onto Him and let Him lead us through all of the good and the bad. As I stand on the border of the past and the future, I can truely testify that all things work together for the goood for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. God bless and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do The Right Thing

In Genesis chapter 28 the Bible says that Esau married a daughter of Ishmael because he knew that it would hurt his parents. The events that led up to this was on large part Esau's fault. Esau had seen no value in his birthright and traded it to Jacob for a bowl of soup. Jacob would then use deciet to grab hold of the blessing that was meant for Esau. Esau is angy, hurt, and looking for revenge. When he overhears Isaac telling Jacob to go and marry someone from Laban's household instead of one of the daughters of the land of Canaan, he decides to do something that would get back at those who had hurt him. These decisions by Esau would have long lasting consequences. For generations, his descendants would pay the price for his choices. It never pays to seek revenge. In Romans 13, Paul reminds us that revenge does not belong to us. It is not our responsibility to defend ourselves. That right belongs to God. If someone has done us wrong, God will be our defense. We are commanded by scripture to love them and do good to those who have hurt and wronged us. Doing the right thing will result in you feeling better about yourself. There will be no pain for you or your children to reap. Your choices affect more than just you. Make sure that you are doing the right thing today. God bless

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As I come to the computer this morning, the one word on my heart is "hope." What does that word mean to you? Webster defines it as "a desire with anticipation and to expect with confidence." As we approach the new year, what are some things that you are hoping for? What are some things that you are anticpating to happen? For some of you it may be the birth of your first child or grandchild. For some, it may be the hope of a new job or promotion. Maybe some of you are hoping to get out of debt this year. Whatever you are in hopes of remember, God is the giver of all good things. The Bible says in Psalms 34:10, "they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing." As long as you keep God first in your life, He will take care of you. I am confident this morning, that God wants to help us in life if we will let Him. We often feel like we have to beg God to do things for us when, in fact, He wants too. So, I encourage you to put your hope in the Lord this year and let Him guide you into all good things. God bless

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Great Memories

I am writing today while still getting over the last two days. We have been to almost all of our family gatherings. We will be visiting my grandmothers today and then we will finally be finished. I pray that your Christmas has been as wonderful as mine. Great memories have been made and fun times had. There is nothing like watching your children come running down the hall and to see their eyes brighten when they see all of the presents placed under the tree. God has truely blessed us this past year. As I was reflecting this morning, I realized so much more how we must make everyday the very best because we can not get it back. Once today is over, its finished, never to be had again. Go make some memories today that will last a lifetime and in the process make sure that God is the most important part of it. God bless

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Preservation of life

On this 12th day of praising God for the gifts He has given me, I want to thank for keeping us safe and healthy this past year. This time last year Nathan was in the hospital with an upper respritory infection and a touch of pnuemonia. I remeber feeling helpless and fearful watching him lie in the hospital bed. We spent last Christmas believing God for his healing. I realized last night how wonderful God has been this past year. He has brought us from that place a year ago and today both of my sons are healthy and we are looking forward to Christmas morning here at home. There have been so many times this past year that I know God was looking out for us. He has preserved us and been a hedge round about us. I praise Him for his protection of my family. May God bless you and keep you in this new year and may you have a wonderful Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

That God Speaks and My Wife

Today I again will be giving thanks for two gifts that God has given me. I am so gratful that He still speaks. The Bible says in John chapter 10, that His "sheep" or followers hear His voice. While some today think that God is silent and no longer works in our midst, I disagree. I firmly believe that He will speak to those who will listen. His voice is still calling out to those who seek Him and will give ear to what He is saying. It may not always be what we want to hear, but it is always what we need.
I am also thankful for my wife. I know that I have already wrote concerning my wife and kids, but today I want to focus just on my wife. She is so precious to me. She has my heart. I love her now more than I did 8 years ago. I truly believe that she is a gift from God to me. The Bible says that God brought Eve to Adam and I believe that He brought Shea to me. She is loving, talented, and supportive. There are times when I probably take her for granted and for that I am sorry. May the Lord allow me to be a better husband in this new year and to take care of this treasure He has given me. God bless

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mercy and The Holy Spirit

Because of my busy schedule yesterday I did not get to post, so today I will give two reasons why I am thankful. The first is mercy. Mercy is defined by Webster's Dictionary as: That benevolence, mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves; the disposition that tempers justice, and induces an injured person to forgive trespasses and injuries, and to forbear punishment, or inflict less than law or justice will warrant. I praise God for His mercy. The Bible is very clear that the punishment or consequences of sin is death. The sins I had committed in my life were my own. No one made me sin and no one was guilty for it but me. However, God who is rich in mercy, came to my rescue and sent His only begotten Son to die in my place. Jesus who knew no sin, took my sin and shame upon Himself and bore my punishment. Mercy! I am also thankful that He gave to me the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised us that He would not leave the church alone, but that the Father would send to us the Comforter who is the Holy Ghost. I am thankful for that moment when I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I praise God that when I don't know what to pray or how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays through me. I am thankful that His presence is an abiding presence and is always with me. I do not want to take advantage of His mercy or the Holy Spirit. May the Lord help me to be constantly aware of how precious these are to me and how much I need them on a daily basis. God bless

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Gift of Grace

I am now seven days in on my 12 days of praise. Christmas day is getting closer and the only thing that I can truely say that I want is a closer walk with God through Christ. On my seventh day, I praise Him for grace. The grace of God is a wonderful gift that He has bestowed upon us. It is His favor and kindness to us. The Bible says that we are "saved by grace through faith." We are not saved by the works that we do. We could never be good enough because we are sinful in nature. We had to have a Saviour. Someone who was perfect and without sin that could take our sins from us. That is the essence of the Christmas story. Jesus told Nicodemus that He had not come to condemn or judge the world, but to save it. His mission was one of grace. The Bible says that when we are weak, His grace is sufficient. That means that when I am weak in an area of my life and I fall short, there is grace to cover. It does not give me a liscense to sin, but lets me know that if I fall short somewhere, I have an advocate with the Father. I have needed His Grace more times than I can count. I often feel so unworthy of His love for me. I am so thankful that grace has been supplied. God bless

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thankful For My Heritage

On my way to the office this morning I began to think about what I am thankful for today and what came to me was my heritage. I am so blessed to have been given such a rich upbringing and heritage. I am a fourth generation member of the Church of God. That simply means that for four generations my family has been Spirit-filled believers. I come from a line of prayer warriors and intercessors. My family has done much in God's Kingdom. From serving as clerks, sunday school superintendents, deacons, elders, teachers, evangelists, and even pastors. My grandparents worked to start one of our churches here in Rock Hill. On my mothers side, her family was part of the start of the Hickory Grove Chuch of God and a big part of the early days of the York church. I remember my great-grandparents and their strict holiness convictions and the impact they have had on me. I have been blessed to see God do some great things and move in mighty ways. This is what I am thankful for today. However, I want to make sure that my children are just as thankful. I want to pass this rich heritage on to them. I want them to know personally, God's strength and power. I want them to succeed in God's purpose for their lives. While I am thankful for the past, I must press forward for the future. May God allow our heritage to continue forward and expand at His will. God bless

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Gift of the Church

Today I am thankful for the church that God has allowed my family and I to be apart of for the last six years. Friendship Church of God is a wonderful place to worship. The people genuilly care for one another and the love of God abides there. The Spirit of the Lord has freedom to move and we are growing. The church body is so important to our spiritual growth. We need one another and at times must depend on one another. Too many times people feel like their church is constantly divided and is not living up to the biblical model. People are leaving churches and churches all over America are closing their doors. We must, as God's children, recapture the purpose of the church and become what God has called us to do. I pray that in 2010, the church be renewed and the body of Christ be revived. May a great move of the Holy Spirit come upon all of God's children. I love Friendship and that is why I praise God today. God bless

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

He Gave Me a Calling

On this fourth day of praise, I praise Him for the call He put on my life. I was 11 years old when I heard the Lord calling me into the ministry. Though the next years of my life were not always faithful ones, and there was a time when I did walk away from Him, He never walked away from me. He never gave up on me or took His purpose for my life away. I am thankful that He has given me the opportunity to share the Gospel with so many. I am thankful that He allows me every week, to stand before the church and exhort them in the faith and to call sinners to repentance. What has He given you that you are thankful for today? God bless

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thank God For Health

Today I praise Him for health. I have been blessed in that I have only gotten sick very few times in my whole life. God has blessed me with the ability to be around and minister to those who were sick and it not ever come on me. Praise God! Today I will be taking my grandmother to Greenwood, SC to see her brother who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Cancer is something that seems to run in my family, but I do no fear it. I believe that God has a plan for all of us and I will not walk in fear of what may never come. Today I have health and I will give my strenght and my energy to serving Him. I am thankful for a healthy wife and children. I praise Him! Go ahead and give Him some praise for what you are thankful for today. God bless

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Family

Yesterday I presented you with the challenge to think of something that Christ has given you and to praise Him for it each of the 12 days leading into Christmas. Yesterday I praised Him for a personal relationship that He has given me. Today I praise Him for my family. I am blessed with a beautiful, gifted, loving wife. I have been blessed with two happy, talented, wonderful sons. I am blessed and I know that the source of these blessings is God. I count these as gifts that He has given me. I have the priveledge of watching Seth today and I thank God for it. He is growing so fast and I can not believe that he is already 1. May God help me not to take these gifts for granted, but to enjoy them everyday. What are you going to praise Him for today? Get busy. God bless

Sunday, December 13, 2009

12 Days of Praise

This is my 100th post. I pray that each one has been a blessing to you and I want to thank you for taking the time to read what the Lord has been saying to me along with some of my own personal thougts. Today I want to begin a series with you called "12 Days of Praise." We are right in the midst of the Christmas season. One of the most popular songs of the season is "12 Days of Christmas." The songs intent is to remember what their loved one had given them over the 12 days leading to Christmas. As I was gathering my thoughts this morning, I thought it would be wonderful if we together took the next 12 days to remember what the Lord has done for each of us and to take the time to praise Him for it. So here on this first day of countdown I want to thank Him for a personal relationship with Him. I don't have to serve Him through someone else, I get to serve Him for my self. The very fact that He died on the cross for me personally, so that I could come into relationship with Him blows my mind, and that is what I am thankful for today. What about you? Go ahead and begin to praise Him for His gifts to you. God bless.

P.S. If you like to read, I would suggest getting "Your Own Jesus" by Mark Hall. Mark is the lead singer for Casing Crowns. In the book he talks about coming to the realization that Jesus wants it to be personal. Its a great reminder to us all.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Stress

How are you doing with all of the holiday activities? Have they become too stressful for you yet? If we are not careful we can get so wrapped up in all of the shopping, the parties, and the family get togethers, that we become overwhelmed and not enjoy this season. I have been so busy lately myself, that I just realized that Christmas is in 14 days! I have had so much going on at church and in other areas in my life, that I have totally lost some time. I love this season and am determined to take it all in over the next two weeks. Here is my advice on how to get the joy back for the season.

1) Remember the reason - This season is about the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is the reason that we celebrate and give gifts to those that we love. This season is not about recieving, but giving. Spend more time with Him over the next few weeks and this will add joy.

2) Spend more time with family - You need to spend more time with your spouse and children. I have two little boys who are absolutely loving Christmas. They love the songs and the decorations and everything else that comes with it. It is a delight everyday to see the joy in their faces. Spending time with family and unwinding will relieve the stress and bring joy.

3) Enjoy the Christmas classics - Take time to watch the classics that are coming on your t.v. The same one's that you enjoyed when you were a child, your children will now enjoy. Take time to sing the songs and bake some treats together. Take the time to go out and look at decorations and lights, or go to a parade.

These things will allow you to refocus and enjoy your Christmas. Take it all in because you will not get this one back. God bless

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Know Abraham

In Genesis chapter 18 verse 19, God says, "For I know Abraham." Wow, what a powerful verse. God is reminding us that He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. No body knows us like the Lord. The Bible says that He knows our thoughts while they are far off. He knows what we are going to think about and what we are going to say. That is why it is so important to stay in prayer and in the Word. That way our thoughts and words remain holy. The Bible says that if we walk in the Spirit we will not do the things of the flesh. If I do spiritual things I keep myself from messing up. In Psalms chapter 19, the psalmist prays that his thoughts and words would be pleasing to God. That is my prayer today. I don't want anything to make me unclean before Him. In verse 19, the Bible says that God knew Abraham and that he would lead his house in the right way and that he would keep Gods commands. What is it that God knows about you today? Will we lead our families in righteousness? Will we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God? Remember, God knows you today and everyday. God bless

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obedience Can Be Painful

Yesterday, I posted that God commands obedience and that obedience is better than sacrifice. When God approaches Abraham in Genesis chapter 17, He not only reminds him of the promises, but informs him on what he must do. God commands Abraham to circumcise himself and all the males that are with him. This is to become a covenant between them and God that will last forever. From that day on, every male child was to be circumcised 8 days after they were born. Abraham immediatly does what God has asked him to do. He gathers every male that is with him from infants on up and circumcises them. This is painful no matter how old you are, but the older you are the worse it is. I want you to know today that God still requires this act to be performed in our lives. The difference is that God now requires it to be of the heart. Paul tells us that it is not the physical cutting of the flesh that God requires, but the giving of our lives to Him. As believers, we are to cut away things in our lives that are hindering our walk with the Father. We are to cut away those things that bring confusion, doubt, fear, and disconnect. It is not always pleasant to cut things out of our lives, but it is neccessary to Grow in God. The Bible says that if they were not circumcised, then they would be cut off from God. I don't believe there is anything in this world worth that. What is it that might be hindering you from getting closer to God? What is it that you may need to circumcise or cut away today? Whatever it is, do it and do it quick. It may be painful, but the pain only last for a moment and then joy. God bless

Monday, December 7, 2009

God Commands Obedience

In Genesis chapter 17, God approaches Abram to remind him of the promises that had been given him and to change his name. Abram would now be known as Abraham and Sarai would now be known as Sarah. These name changes symbolized the power of God's promises over them and their future descendents. Abraham is at this time 99 years old and God informs him that now is the time when Isaac, his son through Sarah, was to be concieved. He has went 25 years waiting for this and all the while trusting in God. It is during this conversation, that God reminds Abraham how important obedience is to Him. He reminds Abraham of the promises and then tells him that as long as he obeys God they will come to pass. There are things that God wants to perform in our lives and in our families, but the only way they can be released to us is if we are obedient. The Bible says that "obedience is better than sacrifice." As important as sacrifices were in the days of the O.T., obedience was much more important. God doesn't want us just going through some religious routine, He desires us to obey Him and to trust in Him. How obedient have you been lately? Have you been doing it His way or your way? Let's try it His way. God bless

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We Miss You Connie

This morning, we at Friendship are in a season of mourning. We recieved news late last night that one of our members had been killed in an accident. Ms. Connie Johnson was a true disciple of Jesus. She had been a member of Friendship for over 3 years and served faithfully. I had the honor of knowing her for most of my life. She and her daughters attended the same church as my family when I was a child. For the past year, Sis. Connie had served as a member of our intercessors. She had covered me and the church in prayer and she will surely be missed. I ask that you keep the Johnson family in your prayers as well as the church family. Pray that God will enable us to minister to the family during this time and that they will find Jesus in the midst of this season. God bless

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Destructive Power of Opinions

Have you ever noticed that everybody and anybody has opinions. An opinion is something that is not based on fact or truth yet is believed by the possessor of it. If we allow ourselves to be moved by someone else's opinions, the result can be deadly. In Genesis chapter 16, Abram is confronted by Sarai his wife concerning their lack of children. She approaches him with the opinion that God had left her out of His plans for Abram. She tells him that she will not be bearing children and that he should take her handmaid to be his other wife because she is young enough to bear. Abram takes her up on her opinion and soon there is trouble. Hagar soon concieves and has a son named Ishmael. When Hagar becomes pregnant, tension rises between her and Sarai. She eventually tries to leave the group but is told by God to go back. She is told that her son would be a wild man and that his hands would be against every man. This word over Ishmael has been true all through history. Still today his descendants are fighting not only against Israel, but against every man. It is the hands of Ishmael that are driving planes into buildings, blowing up subways, and killing our troops at home and abroad. You see, if we allow our lives to be run by someone's opinions, the result doesn't only effect us, but everyone around us. We must live by God's Word for us. His Word is truth and it is right for us. Opinions are sandy foundations that won't last, but His plans for us are sure foundations that will stand the test of time. Be free from other's opinions today and live in His will. God bless

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Are You Afraid?

Why are you afraid? What are you afraid of? Some are afraid of failure, death, disease, financial collapse, or divorce. Others are afraid of things like spiders or snakes. The point is that many are living in fear. In Genesis chapter 15 God confronts Abram about his fears and declares, "fear not." We are told in scripture to not be afraid some 366 times! Thats one time for everyday including leap year. Abrams fear was that he would die without an heir to recieve what God had given him. He was old and still did not have a son. What was he to do but give his inheritance to the son of his servant. God had a different plan. He promised Abram that even though he was old, he would still have a son. He promised Abram that his inheritance would pass to his own children. Abram took God at His word and his fear passed. I don't know what is causing you to be afraid today, but I speak the Word of God to you today, "fear not." Don't let fear get a grip on you. It will disable you and keep you from going forward. Have faith in God today and keep moving. God bless

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fighting For the Family

Family means alot to me. As the oldest of three boys, I was taught to always look out for my brothers and to take care of the family. I was taught that you always stick by your family and help them when they are in need. We find a situation in Genesis chapter 14 where Abram's family has fallen into the hands of the enemy. The Bible tells us that a group of kings got together to invade the five cities around the Sodom area. During this attack, Lot and his family were taken captive. When Abram recieves the word that his nephew is in danger he quickly assembles his servants for battle. The amazing thing is that Abram is probably close to 80 years of age at this moment. I want to take the time right here to tell you that you are never to old to fight for your family. Don't pass the torch to early. Abram assembles his men and the Bible says that they won a great victory that day. They defeated entire kingdoms that day. I declare to you that it is time to fight back for the family. We can not allow the devil to steal our marriages, our kids, our parents, our neices and nephews, or our grandchildren. We have been give the power to chase off the enemy and win the battle. Start fighting back today. Don't live defeated. If you are a child of God, then the victory is already yours. God bless

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Abram is told in Genesis chapter 13 that all the land is his. As far as the eye could see, God had given to Abram. What has God given you? We each have an inheritance from the Lord. Something that is ours to walk out by faith. This inheritance does not fade or wear out, it is meant to last forever. When the children of Israel are about to move into the land hundreds of years later, God tells them that they are never to give up their inheritance because it is His gift to them. As they moved in and conquered the land, Joshua divided it up to each family and tribe. What each family recieved was meant to be passed down from one generation to the other. In fact, God set up a plan in case one went into debt and had to sell the land. If one had to sell the land to another, then at the end of 49 years the land would be completely restored to the original owner. This was known as the "year of jubilee." It was a season when all debt was forgiven and you became completely debt-free again and was given a fresh start. Maybe if our nation adopted the economic plan of God we would be in a difference place as a nation right now!!
In First Kings chapter 21 there is a story of a man who had land that the king wanted and when he would not sell, it cost him his life. Are we willing to die for what God has given us? The apostles were. They had been given the gospel to preach to everyone who would hear and when they would not be quiet they lost their lives. Where are we today with this? You do realize that we have been given the same mandate to preach the gospel right? We cannot allow the world to silence the call to repentance. We must press forward and tell the world that Jesus loves them and that He died for them. This mandate is ours until the Lord returns in glory. It is mine forever. I must walk it out daily. God bless

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Grasping God's Vision

As you read Genesis chapter 12, you begin to learn of a man by the name of Abram. Abram, who would later become known as Abraham, is 75 years old. He and his wife have no children because she is unable to have any. In spite of his age and his lack of children, God informs him that he will become a great nation. What I want you to remember today is, God has a plan for you and a time in which to accomplish it. You may feel like you are in the twilight of life and that it is all down hill from here, but I encourage you to seek God for His plan for you. He is not done with you yet. It may require you getting out of some places that you currently go, and to stop some of the activities you currently enjoy, or to give up some of the company that you keep, but it will be worth it. It will cause you to leave your comfort zones and do some things you never thought that you would, but the payoff is great! Get a grasp on what God has for you. As the year winds down and 2010 approaches, use this time to reflect on your accomplishments this past year. Have you done anything that has an eternal profit? If not get busy, you still have time. God bless

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just a Bunch of Names?

To some, Genesis chapter 10 is just one of those chapters that is full of names and has no meaning to them. I must confess that there was a time when I thought along those same lines. I did not understand why it was even in the Bible and why I couldn't just skip over it. As time has gone by, I have come to realize that everything in the Bible serves a purpose. Even those list of names I can not pronounce. As I read chapter 10 this morning, I noticed some of the names in the list and recalled that some of these people went on to build cities that were evil. Some went on to produce the children of Israel. In other words, some of these families were godly, nice, wholesome people; and some were the total opposite. Too many times we allow the family we were born into to dictact how we turn out. We let family history become a crutch to our own problems and it becomes the excuse we live by. As children of God, we must remember that we are new creatures in Christ. We have been "born again" into a new family. The Family of God. We are to now take on the image and likeness of our new family. We must leave the old sinful ways behind. We can not be abusive, mean, addicted, nasty, or any other thing that might describe who we use to be. I want to leave you with this question today: What kind of city are you building? Is it a city on a hill where the light of God is shining forth, or is it a city in the valley that will be destroyed? Our actions and attitudes today matter. They are like bricks being laid to a foundation. Make sure that you lay good bricks. God bless

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Home Team Always Wins

I love college football. Probably more than I do the NFL. All those who know me, know how much I love the Gamecocks. I am a true fan and this weekend is the one I live for. This is rivalry weekend in college football. That means that it is time for the Gamecocks to take on those Clemson Tigers. This year we are the home team and I hope that that will be an advantage for us.
As I began to gather my thoughts for this morning, I began to think about our rivalry in the church. You see, we too have a hated enemy; the Devil. He is always messing with us and throwing stones in our direction. The thing about college football is, you never really know who is gonna win. There are upsets every week. However, we know that the home team will always win in Christ. We the church are overcomers through Him who has loved us. We know that no weapon formed against us will prosper. It may feel or seem that you are behind in the game sometimes, but keep getting your plays from the Coach and He will always lead you to victory. He is undefeated and can not lose. We are on the winning side! Enjoy your day and GO GAMECOCKS! God bless

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I love this time of year. For the next five weeks there is nothing but events for us. We have family dinners and church gatherings. I love being with family and friends. Now that Nathan is getting older he loves for there to be lights on the house and guess who gets that chore! This is a great time. Today we officially start the holiday season by giving thanks. For our nation, we celebrate by remembering those who came to this land so many years ago and after enduring a terrible winter, gathered to give thanks to God for their blessings and survival. As Christians we celebrate the past year and remember everything that God has done for us. However, we should not limit our thanksgiving to just one day a year. We are told to come before Him daily with thanks. We are to live with an attitude of gratefulness. As you gather around the turkey and fixin's, remeber that this day is not about the food, parades, or football games. It is about God's blessings on us. God bless

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

God Remembered Noah

As I read Genesis chapter 8 today, the very first verse is what stuck out to me the most. The Bible says that "God remembered Noah." I am so thankful today that not only did God remember Noah, but I know that He has remembered me today. I am grateful for the times when I have been going through life's storms and the peace of God came over me to let me know that it was going to be alright. I want to encourage you in that today. I don't know what each of you may be facing. Your life may be at rest or you may be troubled on everside. Either way, God knows you today and has remembered you. You have not been forgotten. The Bible says that goodness and mercy follow us everyday, meaning that God is always there. He has promised to never leave or forsake us. Grab hold today and do not let life bring you down. When God remembered Noah things began to turn around, and I believe that you are closer to a turn-around today than you realize. God bless.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thoughts For Today

Mic 6:8 The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God."

I have been going through the book of Genesis and doing my daily posts from what the Lord was dealing with me directly about. However, this morning I awoke to the above verse in my spirit. When we look at Micah 6:8, we are given a short summary of what it is that God is really looking for in us. First, He says that we are to see that justice is done. We are to make sure that right judgements are made in our lives. We need to make sure that we are treating people with respect and doing them right. We are not to mistreat someone. Also we need to make sure that when wrong is done, that the person involved is brought to justice. We have been given laws and commands by the Lord and we are to live by them. Jesus tells us that if we love Him we will keep His commands. Also, we are given laws in society and must abide by those. We as believers are not to be lawbreakers.
Second, we are to love mercy. We are to show mercy on those who have mistreated us. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies, bless those that have cursed us, and pray for those who have used us. This is not how most live today, but it is how Jesus desires for the church to live. We must not hold on to offense and hard feelings. We must show mercy. Had it not been for the mercy showed to you and I by God, we would be on our way to hell.
Third, we are to walk humbly before the Lord. We are to have what the Bible calls "the fear of the Lord." Not that we are to be afraid of God, but we are to have a holy reverance and respect towards Him. We are not to exalt ourselves. The Bible says that if we have pride, or have exalted ourselves, we will fall, but if we humble ourselves He will pick us up. I would rather God pick me up than for me to do it. We must show humility not only to God, but also to others. We are to consider others better than ourselves.
I wonder if this is the model that we are living today? Let's re-evalute our lives today and make sure that they line up with God's Word. God bless

Monday, November 23, 2009

Will You Be In The Boat?

As we stated yesterday, judgement is coming. Peter tells us in 2 Peter chapter 3, that in the last days there would be scoffers. These people would mock us and say that the church has predicted the end for years and yet life continues on. No doubt there are scoffers among us today. However, judgement is coming. We know that God is not please with sin and that sin must be judged. If you want to know how low our nation's culture has gone just look at what happened on the AMA'S last night. An openly gay man with a large following kissed another man onstage and when the network had an opportunity to edit it before it showed on the west coast, they actually used it to promote the show. We live in a world that's morals and ethics are definitly in question. If God was not pleased with Noah's generation, how can He be pleased with our's. The question I have for you today is, are you ready? Have you made the proper arrangments? Have you confessed your sins and recieved Christ into your heart as Savior and Lord? Are you in the boat? The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 7 that Noah and his family made it into the boat but everyone else died in the flood. There will be those who refuse the call of salvation, but I pray that you will not be one of them. Jesus has given His all for you. He laid down His life so that you might have a second chance. We have all fallen short and need His mercy. If you are not on the boat today I pray that before this day is finished you will be. I love you and am praying for you. God Bless

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do Everything That You Can

If you knew that today was the last day that the earth would exist, what would you do? If you knew that there was going to be a terrorist attack where you live, what would you do? If you knew that a theif had plans to break into your house, what would you do? If you are like me, you would do everything you could to warn your family and anyone else who would listen.
In Genesis chapter 6, Noah is told of judgement coming upon the earth because of sin. God has looked upon man and found them to be evil. He pronounces to Noah that He is going to send a flood upon the earth to purge it. In the process, He gives Noah a plan by which he can save his family. Its not going to be easy to do, but if he finishes the task, his family will be saved. God has given us a plan as well. We must share the love of Jesus with our family and friends. Judgement is coming upon the earth again and we are running out of time. It is not always easy to confront our loved ones concerning their lifestyle, but we must. We must warn all who will listen. Just as God gave Noah a plan for escape, He has graciously given us one as well. The plan is Jesus. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." We must get the word out that Jesus died for our sins and that all we must do is confess Him as Lord and repent of our sins. Jesus is the only way to escape the coming Judgement. The Bible says that, "it is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement." What will you do on judgement day? Is your heart right today? Have you believed on Him who gave His life for you? Has your family believed? Time is running out, we must give an all out effort to let others know that there is an escape route. Have you done all that you can do? God bless

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Ways to Build a Family

The end of Genesis chapter 4 and all of chapter 5 give us a description of two family lines. The first are the descendents of Cain and the second the descendents of Seth. We know all about Cain and his sin. The Bible says that a mark was placed upon him because of his crime and that he became a vagabond. Cain never repented for his sin and laid a foundation for his family that was without a relationship with God. Though his family invented some great things and built cities, they never called upon the name of the Lord. It doesn't matter how great you are on earth if you stand before God in the judgement and He declares that He never knew you. You can have earthly popularity and never be known in the courts of heaven. However, Seth laid a foundation in his descendents of seeking God. When you read of his family tree we find several who had close relationships with God and the blessings continued to extend. Enoch walked so close to God that God took him and he never saw death. Noah found grace in the sight of God and when the earth was judged, God gave him a plan of escape. I want you to realize today that what you do and how you serve God can have a lasting impact on the future generations of your family. The foundation you lay today matters. What are you doing to impact not only your children but your future grand and great-grandchilren? I want my family line to be blessed. I want to instill in my children the fear of the Lord and the blessings that come with serving Him. That way they will have something to share with their kids and so forth. We must think about what we are doing. We can not play games. The future of our families depend on it. God bless

Respected Worship

So often, if we are not careful, our worship to God can simply become routine. It becomes something that we just do by going through the motions. Whether its prayer, Bible reading, church attendance, or so forth; it simply becomes our routine. When we get into this cycle we are able to do these things without even much thought. We pray with our lips while our thoughts are somewhere else. We sing without emotion and we sit in a pew thinking about what to do when church is over. When we worship like this, we are bringing the same type of offering as Cain in Genesis chapter 4. The Bible says that Cain brought of the fruit while Abel brought the firtborn. Cains offering was without thought, emotion, or faith. He was simply bringing something because He was supposed to. When God did not accept his offering he became angry with God and with Abel. We all know what happened next. He lured his brother out into a field and killed him. You see, when we get in routine worship and God's Spirit isn't rich in us like someone else, we tend to become angry and critcize others. If we are not careful, we may even kill their character. The Bible says that Abel's offering was accepted because he brought it in faith (Hebrews 11). If we are going to have something God approves of we must bring it with faith. We must bring a sacrifice of praise. It has to be thought out and planned. So don't just do it today, but do it with faith and passion. Present yourselves as a living sacrifice today. God bless

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Mess, His Grace

In Genesis chapter 3 we are given the details to the fall of mankind. Adam was told by God not to eat from the tree of knowledge and that if he did, he would die. Chapter 3 starts out by telling us that the serpent enticed Eve to rebel against God's word. Eve not only listened to the serpent, but brought her husband in on the act. By doing this they sinned against God and immediately felt the shame for their actions. At that moment death entered the bodies of man. The Bible says that death is the wage or result of sin. Adam had messed up everything that God had given him. He had been given every provision he had need of and all that he had to do was maintain it. Now everything is falling apart, and on top of that they now here God coming into the garden. Adam and Eve hide in the bushes in fear that their failure will be found out. As God begins to call out to them they realize that they cannot hide forever and come out into the open. Understand that God already knew about their sin, He needed them to confess before He could help. God knows all of our shortcomings and yet we think that if we can hide for a little while maybe He won't notice. I want you to realize that no matter how deep in the bushes you hide, He will find you out.
Now we know that Adam and Eve messed up and because of their sins we have all fallen short, but the story does not end with their failure. Chapter 3 finishes out with God showing grace and mercy to Adam and his wife. The Bible says that he made coverings for them out of animal skins. For that to happen an animal had to die. We know that the shedding of animals blood was only a temporary fix for the issue at hand. However, 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came as the Lamb of God to take away our sins for good. He became the perfect sacrifice for us. We have all messed up , but God's grace and forgiveness is as real today as it has ever been. If you are hiding out because of failure, I beg you, come out and let God's grace cover you today. God bless

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maintain What God Has Given You

What has God entrusted you with? In Genesis chapter 2, the Bible says that God planted a garden and placed man in the garden to take care of it. Adam's job was to maintain God's provision for his life. When you read chapter 2 you quickly notice that God gave Adam all he needed. He provided a home, food, and a wife. Whatever Adam's needs were, God met them. All Adam had to do was take care of them and they would continue to be a blessing. The same is true for us today. God has given us so much. He has provided for us time and time again. The question is, what are we doing with it? Are we making sure that our spouse and children are taken care of? Are we showing them the attention that they need? Are we keeping up the homes that God has given us to live in? We can keep asking these questions or we can begin to answer them. Too many times we overlook God's blessings and treat them with little respect. We are always on the lookout for something bigger and better. I promise you there is nothing bigger or better for you than what God has provided for you right now. Take notice of God's blessing and treat them right. If you maintain what God has put in your hands, they will continue to bear fruit for years to come. God bless

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Very Good

I started reading through the book of Genesis again this morning for part of my personal reading. Genesis is the book of beginnings. It gives us insight to the story of man beginning with creation. As I read through chapter 1, I noticed how that everytime God created something the Bibles says that He "saw it and it was good." God looked at the land, the water, the sky, the stars, the sun and moon, and everything He saw pleased Him. It had turned out the way that He planned it. Then the Bible says that on the sixth day, He created man. Not only did He create man, but the Bible says that He created man in His image and likeness. When He was finished with man, the Bible says in verse 31, "And God saw every thing that He had made, and behold, it was very good." I want you to understand that God created man that day with a purpose. He created man in His likeness and with a destiny. When God looked at Adam that day He wasn't just pleased with what He saw; He was very pleased. I wonder, is God pleased with what He see's today? When God looks at our lives and how we are living them, is He very pleased? I don't want to do anything that will cause God to be sad with me. I definitly don't want to grieve Him or fail Him. My prayer today is that our lives will be pleasing to Him. I want Him to take delight again in what He see's in us. So my encouragement to you today is, be very good. God bless

Monday, November 16, 2009

What One Thing Can You Do Today?

Today marks six years that Shea and I have been pastors at Friendship. It has been a great six years. The people are wonderful and most of all, God's presence is real there. I love being a pastor. I love watching people grow in the Lord, and I really love to preach. I can honestly say that there is nothing else I would rather be doing. As I celebrate today, the question came to me, "what one thing can I do today that will make a difference?" I want to ask you that same question. We get so focused on many things, that we overlook the "one thing" that could really be the most important. Maybe it will be reaching out to someone in need or simply doing a chore for your spouse that will help them out. Whatever it is, just do it. Let God speak to you today. You see, it doesn't matter how much we have done if we overlook the one thing He purposed for us to do. God bless

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Our Very Own Cheering Section

Everybody likes to have someone cheering them on. Whether it is the star quarterback under the lights of friday night or the young adult graduating from college. Grandparents, parents, children; we all ejoy a cheering section. It is no different for us in the church. The Bible says in Hebrews 12 that we are running a race and that we are to run it with patience. This is not a sprint, but a marathon. We must pace ourselves and at times "press toward the mark of prize set before us." When we are in the heat of the run and our body is weak and in pain, we draw from the crowd getting behind us. We need those cheers of encouragment. We need to hear the clapping of hands and the shouts from the stands. Hebrews 12:1 says that we have that in those who have gone on before us. It says that we have a great number of witnesses around us. There is Abraham and Isaac. There is Moses, Aaron, David, Samuel, Daniel, Elijah, and so forth. They are cheering us on from the stands of Heaven. They have gone through the tough stages of life and have overcome by their faith in God. They have become our examples, and if they can do it, then so can we. "For I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." However, we are not just surrounded by the heros of the O.T. We are also surrounded by our family and friends who have already passed on. We are surrounded by grandparents, parents, and close friends. They have endured until the end and have been saved. You may feel today like giving in and throwing in the towel. Please do not. Press Forward. Listen closely. Who is that cheering you on today? You have a reward in Christ and if you give up now your labor would have been in vain. Keep that cross on your shoulders and keep pushing on. Heaven is just in sight. God bless

Friday, November 13, 2009

What Keeps You Going?

Today, I want to ask you a question. What is it that keeps you going? How do you continue to move forward when obstacles come at you? What is your motivation? In Hebrews 11:13-16 the Bible tells us how those who have gone on before kept themselves in check. It tells us that they looked ahead for a country. Not just any country, but a heavenly country. You see, they had believed the promises of God. They took God at His Word and moved forward. Life for them was not always easy and many of them faced constant persecution. As you read through chapter 11 you find the "hero's" of faith. Men and women who gave up so much just to believe in God. Many of us struggle with going back to the old life. We struggle with the friends who don't come around anymore because of our new faith. We struggle when we have had a bad day as the enemy tempts us to have a cold one. We struggle with things that used to have a hold on us. As long as we are in this world there will be a struggle. However, we do not have to give in. We must keep going forward. We must not look behind us. In Genesis we find that Lot's wife looked back at the evil country as God was destroying it and it cost her her life. When we look back we will eventually go back. The Bible says here in Hebrews 11 that these men and women of faith never looked back because they were persuaded that a better country lie ahead. I want to encourage you to keep looking forward today. Nothing here is worth losing heaven for. God bless

Thursday, November 12, 2009

In a Little While

Hebrews 10:37 says, "For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry." Jesus is coming. I know that some of you have heard that for your whole lives and yet it still has not happened. Peter tells us that there would be a generation that complained about this very thing. Still, I want you to know, He is coming. I don't know when, but He is. The writer of Hebrews says it will be "in a little while." Have you ever had you kids to beg you to take them somewhere while you were busy doing something else? Your response to them, especially if you promised you would, was probably "in a little while." You see, God has promised to send His Son for us the church. However, right now He is busy allowing others the opportunity to come to Him. You see, He is longsuffering or patient, not wanting any to go to hell. As much as I want Him to come, I also want my family and friends to go with me. So lets stop sitting around just waiting like impatient kids, and lets get busy doing the Lord's work and inviting others to go with us when we leave. God bless

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of the USMC and today we celebrate our veteran's. Our country, in its foundation, was shaped first by the Word of God and secondly by the blood of patriot soldiers who gave their lives for the cause they believed in. Our country has always had those men and women who felt the call to defend and protect our borders. My own great-grandfather served bravely in WWI. He came home from war with hole in his knee and a metal plate in his head. He served his country proudly and he is a hero. Had it not been for those brave young men and women who flocked the military after Pearl Harbor, we may be waving a different flag over the White House today. War is never good and lives are always lost way too young, but I thank God that when battle is necessary we have those who will answer the call and fight for our freedom. I want to thank men like Clyde Smith who fought bravely in Africa and Europe during WWII. I want those in our church who have served our country to know today how much I appreciate their commitment to our liberty. Find a veteran today and tell them thankyou. God bless

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time for Reflection

We are just two weeks away from Thanksgiving and just 6 1/2 away from Christmas. This year has flown by. Alot has been accomplished this year and I am grateful for all that God has done. I normally take these last two months of the year to reflect on the last year and prepare for the year ahead. All of us have things that we have done or been through this past year that we never want to do or go through again. We also have things that have brought us great joy. Reflection is important for all of us. It allows us to re-examine some things about our lives and to change things that need to be changed. It also allows us to look back on some great memories and relive some exciting moments of our lives. I encourage you to start reflecting. Don't just let these last few weeks of the year fly by. Before you know it, the New Year will be hear and the holidays will be past. Slow down a little, enjoy this time with family and friends and get things ready for the New Year in your life. Let God influence more of your decisions and this could possibly be the best year yet. God bless

Sunday, November 8, 2009


To many of you today the name Polycarp probably doesn't mean anything, but to me, he is a hero. Polycarp lived from 70 A.D. to 155 A.D. He was a disciple of John the Apostle and became bishop of the church in Smyrna. In his lifetime he contributed so much to the church. He took on heresies that were entering the church and reminded the church of financial integrity when some leaders were being dishonest with funds. In his 86 years of life he was faithful unto his King, even in death. You see, Polycarp did not die quietly of old age, but at the age of 86 suffered death at the hands of the Roman Empire. He was brought before Caeser and commanded to declare Caeser to be king and offer incense to his statue. Polycarp responded, "for 86 years my King has never wronged me, how can I Him." At that the Roman soldiers tied him to a wooden post and burned him alive. Polycarp died that day simply because he believed in Christ and would not deny Him. If your faith stood that kind of trial today, how would you and I respond? Could we look our persecutor in the eyes and hold firm to our faith in Christ? Would we be able to endure the heat of flames overtaking our bodies? We may never face that kind of trial, but each of us has had our faith tested. We are so easy to complain about our trails and question God. I believe that it is time for the American church to grow up and connect to God in a real way. It is time to have real faith. The kind of faith that can stand up and not deny or question or complain about our trails. Chew on that for a while and have a great day. God bless

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More To Learn

As I have been reading through the Book of Hebrews, I have been reminded of how much more there is to know about Jesus. The writer of Hebrews takes us back in time to the O.T. priesthood and tabernacle. He reminds us of the duties of the priest and of the Law. However, his point is not to just give us a history lesson, he wants us to see Christ in the Old Testament. He wants us to see how God had a plan all along. Many in the church today have only a shallow understanding of Jesus. They are missing some of the richest revelation because they do not study the Old Testament. It has been said that "the O.T. is the N.T. concealed and the N.T. is the O.T. reaveled." In other words, what we read in the O.T. gives us a shadow of what we will find in the N.T. Reading the N.T. will help us to understand what we have read in the Old. Jesus Himself said, "I have come to fulfill the law and the prophets." If you want a deeper revelation of Christ today, begin to study the tabernacle of Moses and the priesthood. This will bring out so much understanding of why Christ died on the cross and why He had to shed His blood for us. Don't be satisfied with a shallow understanding today. Go deeper in God's Word. Search for deeper truths and nuggets of revelation. Have a great weekend and God bless.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Faithful. What does that word mean to you? What does it mean to have someone in your life that is considered faithful? To me it is very important to have people around me that are faithful. I need to know that I can count on my family and friends. I need to know that I can go to someone when there are issues in my life and that they are not going to spread my stuff around. Unfortunatly, in our society, faithful people are hard to come by. It seems that we are living in a season where people are looking out for themselves and no one else. We do, however, have One that we can go to at all times and He will no let us down. Hebrews chapter 7 deals with Christ being our High Priest. In verse 24 we are told that His priesthood is unchangeable. This means that He is forever our Priest. He will never leave the office of Priest. In verse 25 we are told that "He ever liveth to make intercession for us." Intercession means that He stands in the gap for us. It means that He stands up for us when things get tough. It also means that we can take to Him our issues and He will faithfully help us with them. We can count on Jesus to never let us down. We can count on Him to always be there. You may be in a season in your life where you need someone to turn too and you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone around you. I want to encourage you to talk to Jesus. He is here for us. He will listen to your problems and He will have the answer you are looking for. Turn to Jesus your High Priest today. God bless

Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Anchor to the Soul

Hebrews 6:19 says, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil." We have been promised salvation through Jesus Christ if we would only believe in Him. This is the hope that the writer of Hebrews is talking about. The Bible says to us that "the hope of glory is Christ in us." An anchor is an instrument used by sailors and fishermen to hold the ship in place while they are stopped on the waters. It is used when they desire to take rest from moving on the seas. It digs into the sea floor beneath them and keeps them steady. In the same way, our hope in Christ is meant to keep us steady. We should not be afraid or doubtful. We should not worry or become anxious. Our hope is an anchor. The Bible says here in Hebrews 6:18, "God cannot lie." That is how the anchor digs into the earth and keeps us steady. We have to realize that God is not like us. We will lie if backed into a corner. Those around us will lie to make us feel better or safe. God is not like that. He will never lie to us. If we are in danger because of the life we are living, He is going to let us know. If we are safe in His arms, then He will hold us tight. He will never lie to us. We must overcome our trust issues and believe in Him. We must let go of past hurts from lies that have been told, and let His truth become an anchor to our soul. God bless

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All Good Things Come From Above

Psalms 103:5 says, "He satisfies us with goodness, He renews our youth like the eagle." As Christians we believe that all of our needs are taken care by God. James says "that all good things come down from the Father." In our society, we focus on our wants first and our needs last. This current economic crises, I believe, is changing the way that we think. For years we have been concerned about new cars and new houses. We have bought into the thought that we have to have the "best next thing." This thought process does not come to us from the Holy Spirit, but rather from the spirit of this age. In other words, from our adversary the devil. We are taught in scripture to be "content in all situations." Paul says, "whether I am poor or rich, I have learned how to be content." It is not about things for a true believer in Christ. Rather, it is about Him. The "good things" that we are to seek, are the things that God has for us. In Luke chapter 11, Jesus says, "if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall the Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" We are to be more concerned with seeking Him than things. We are to pursue Him and ask Him for His Holy Spirit. Seek the good things today. God bless

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Season is Changing - Enjoy Today

Enjoy today and the blessings that come with it. I was able to spend a few hours outside this morning and truely enjoyed this beautiful day that God has given us. When I was a child, summer was my favorite season. As I have gotten older, fall has taken the place of being my favorite. The color of the leaves, the cool breezes, and just the feeling that fall gives me. I love to see God's creation going through all of its changes. As I sit at my computer today, I call to rememberance what Solomon says in Ecc. "Everything has a season." That is so true. Not only does this planet go through seasonal changes, but we do as well. Today, DJ and Jennifer McClain are experiencing one of those "seasonal" changes. Last September they stood before God and their family and entered into a covenant of marriage. Today, a little over a year later, they will discover what they will be having come March. As new parents, their lives about to change for ever. They are entering a new season. Though things are going to change, they will also be the best days of their lives. My children have blessed Shea and I so much. Even when they do not listen and continue to get into things that they need to stay out of (as Seth is doing right now). They are a true blessing. So, DJ and Jennifer, enjoy today. Take it all in, because a new season is coming. To all of you others who follow; go pick up your child or give them a big hug, becuase they are growing faster than you want them to and you will never get to have this day again. God bless

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lord Deliver Me From My Distractions

What a wonderful day we had in the Lord yesterday at Friendship. The Spirit of the Lord and His Word was rich. I want to take today and tomorrow and revisit what the Lord spoke to us yesterday.
Matthew 17:1-5 gives detail of the events that occured on the Mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus takes with Him Peter, James, and John into the mountain and His appearance is changed right before their eyes. The Bible says the Moses and Elijah also appear with Him and according to Lukes account of the events, they discuss the coming death of Christ. When Peter sees all of this, he determines to build three tabernacles to comemorate the event. One for Jesus, one for Moses, one for Elijah. The problem with this is that Peter is missing the whole point of what is going on. He is so distracted by Moses and Elijah, that he doesn't catch on to what is happening with Jesus. God is giving them an opportunity to experience something with Jesus and he is distracted!!! How many times has this happened to us? How many times have we been called into a mountain of revelation to experience God in a deeper way, only to get distracted on the way? We have so many distractions in our lives, that many times when we try to wind down all we hear is chaos in our minds. We hear the voices of our spouse, our children, our employers, and so forth. We hear hear the tv, the radio, or the draw of our favorite hobbies. We are a distracted generation. It is time to focus again on Jesus. In vs. 5 God responds to the statment made by Peter by declaring, "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him." God is letting Peter know that there is only one who is worthy of our devotion and that is Jesus. We are not to worship Moses, Elijah, or anything else. If something has you distracted today, turn away from it and give Jesus your undivided attention. God bless

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fighting for the Faith

For the last few days we have been focusing on faith. The Bible says that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen." The Bible says that "without faith, it is impossible to please God." Faith is the rock Jesus spoke of when He said, "upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail." I John 5:4 says, "and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." Faith is important. I want to continue the thought on faith again today by declaring to you that it is time for us to fight for the faith.
The Book of Jude tells us that there are those who have come into the church that are out to destroy or change the faith that we have. We must notice that times have changed. As we enter the holiday season, many of us will notice the change in the approach that stores take to Christmas. Instead of wishing you a "merry Christmas", you will get "happy holidays" or "merry x-mas." The thought that we need to be more socially acceptable has not only entered commercialism, but also the church. Gone are the days of singing "There is Power in the Blood" or preaching of the crucifixion of Christ. We are now hearing songs and sermons that do not challenge us to give up our sinful ways, but rather encourage us to just be happy and enjoy life. It is time to fight for the faith. Jude says that we as Christians must "remember the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ." Paul declared to the Corinthian church that he would not preach anything to them but "Christ and Him crucified." When we change the message, we change the outcome. If we are going to overcome this present age, then we need the blood of Jesus. If we are going to combat the forces of darkness and push back the Devil, then we need to be armed with the Word of God and be full of the Holy Ghost. I urge you today as Jude did so many years ago, "contend for the faith." God bless

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Which One Are You?

I have been reading the epistles of John this week and as I read 3rd John this morning I came across something very powerful that goes with our blog theme this week. In 3rd John, the Apostle John is writing to a friend by the name of Gaius. In his letter he tells Gaius how proud he is of his efforts to minister to those of the faith and to be of service to them. He informs Gaius that because of his efforts to show hopitality to all, his faith has been made visible. Then he writes concerning a man named Diotrephes who is doing the total opposite of Gaius. Instead of recieving others and showing them hospitality, he has turned people out and has even hindered others in the church from helping those in need. This man, Diotrephes, had a control problem and always had to have his way. He claimed faith, but his life showed something else. You see, faith does not seek to be served, faith seeks to serve. True faith is not about me, but about others and how I can show them Jesus. So, who are you? Are you like Gaius, the one who helps others without complaint? Or, are you like Diotrephes, who only looks out for himself? Let's chew on that a while and let the Holy Spirit help us today. God bless

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Compartmentalized Faith

As we discussed yesterday, faith is have evidence. There should be something noticably different about someone with faith in Christ. I want to talk this morning about the danger of putting your faith in just a certain area of your life.
In a house there are different rooms. These rooms each serve a different purpose. The kitchen is for the preparing of meals. The living room is for the gathering of family and friends for relaxation and fellowship. The bedroom is for resting and sleep. We compartmentalize these rooms for these purposes. The problem is, we are doing this with our faith as well. In our lives, we are putting our hobbies in a certain place, our friends in a certain place, our spouse and kids, and so forth. Faith, however, is meant to spill over into every place of our life. The only way my family will benefit from my faith is if I allow faith into that place in my heart. The only way my friends, work, etc., will benefit is to allow my faith to impact those areas. Faith is not something to store away for a rainy day. It is meant to take over your whole life. Let faith out today and walk in it. God bless

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Evidence of Faith

How does the world know that you and I have faith in Christ? Are there noticable differences between us and those who do not profess Christ? You see, real faith produces fruit. The fruit is the evidence that a seed has been planted. The seed is the Word. Here is how it works: 1) a sower (Christ) plants a seed. 2) the ground (you) recieves the seed. 3) with good soil and good water supply, the seed begins to grow. 4) as the seed grows into a plant and the plant or tree matures it will begin to bear fruit.
This is how faith works. You recieve the Word into your heart and as it grows it will produce faith and the faith will produce the works. If you are truely in Christ, then there should be evidence. The evidence will be in the words that you use, in how you treat others, and in how you live out your life. So, I will ask again, "How does the world know that we are disciples of Christ?" If I use foul language when the Bible teaches us not to do so, how does that show my faith? If I engage in activities that are worldly, how does that show my faith? It is time to REALLY be disciples of Christ. This means that I am to come out of the worlds way of doing things and let Christ be LORD of my life. Its not my life to live anymore. I have surrendered it to Him. I am crucified with Christ and the life that I live, I live through faith in Him. Isn't that what Paul says to us. We are to be virtually dead. How would Jesus like to live through you today? Have you asked Him? Take a moment this morning and surrender this day to Him and let Him have control. God bless

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do Not be Afraid

As I sit at my computer this morning the words "do not be afraid" ring out in my Spirit. I feel like this if especially for someone today. In Psalms 3:6, David says "I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about." David felt like the whole world was against him. He felt like his enemies out numbered him. He was in a place where fear was attempting to get a hold on him and shut him down. You see, that is how fear works. Its attempt is to stop you from being what God has said for you to be. It is meant to handicap and cripple you. Fear is of the Devil. It is part of his three-fold attack. To steal, kill, and destroy, he has to use fear. The Bible tells us that fear is not from God. He gives us peace, love, and a sound mind. I want you to know today that you do not have to be afraid right now. Whatever you are going through, God will bring you through. Psalms 3:8 says, "Salvation (deliverance) belongs to the Lord." Your deliverance is in God's hands today. Call on Him and He will ease your fears. God Bless

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where Do You Worship?

I am going to revisit yesterday's theme and take it a step further. We are to remember what God has done for us because that is our testimony, however God does not intend for us to live there and never experience anything else in Him. Today I want to look at John 4:19-24. The Bible gives account here of an interaction between Jesus and an unamed woman from Samaria. In these verses The woman ask's Jesus where is the correct location of worship. The Jews claimed that the proper place was in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount and the Samaritans claimed it to be a mountain in Samaria. Jesus responds by saying, "true worshippers worship in Spirit and Truth." In other words it doesn't matter. Some of us say that we can only worship in certain environments or in certain situations. We can only worship at certain times and locations. This is false worship. The reason I say that is because the reason behind our worship is wrong. With that attitude we are making it about us and not about God!! True worship is not dependant upon a certain location, time, environment, etc. It is in Spirit and Truth. It is all about God and God is everywhere at all times. Worship is not about a particular time of the week. Worship is a lifestyle. Worship is everything that I am supposed to do. Do not get stuck upon a traditional mountain today. Worship to God is meant to be FREE. It is to be spontaneous and powerful. Do not allow it to be in a box. The Jews and Samaritans would not worship anywhere but in their traditional places and it caused them to miss a move of God. The same is true for us today. When we limit our opportunities to worship WE miss out. Don't get stuck on the mountain of music, the mountain of preaching, or the mountain of attire. Come down from those places and worship God in Spirit and Truth. God bless

Friday, October 23, 2009

Moving On

Do not get caught up in the past!!! Yesterday we talked about the importance of building memorials around your monumental moments. It is important that we remember what God has done for us and in us. However, God does not intend for us to live there. In the book of Joshua, after they build the memorials they continue to move forward. Too many of us are still hanging around the memory of what God did back then. We still focus on the "I remember whens." In doing this we miss so much more that God has to offer. I feel the Holy Spirit challenging us to "move on" today. To pick up and get back on the road. I am thankful for what God has done, but I am anticipating Him to continue moving in my life.
Sometimes we are religious and don't even realize it. We, like Peter at the Mountain of Transfiguration, will see God do a work and then decide that that is where we need to pitch our tents and stay. That was not God's intention then and it certainly is not now. We get stuck in a certain form of worship and a certain form of singing or preaching, and we miss a whole other side of God. Some of us have been worshipping to the same tunes forever. We never branch out to something new and fresh that will challenge us and our faith. We have so memorized the songs that we can sing them without true worship even coming forth. The Bible says to sing a new song unto God. Have you ever done that? Have you ever branched out beyond your comfort zone? I am amazed at how many "Christians" I hear make statements about how they can't worship to this or to that. That's insane!!!!! Do you realize that God does not have a favorite style of music?! Do you realize that God does not have a favorite style of suit? Do you realize that God does not have a favorite style of preaching? What God desires are those things that will point to Him. If the Spirit of God is in it then go for it. Don't limit your worship to God. I challenge you to branch out today. Those of you who just love Southern Gospel, and by the way so do I, branch out today and worship to a different style. Those of you who love Hillsong or some other style, go back and worship to some of the old hymns today. Don't get boxed in. Mix it up. Catch the Devil off guard today and give God a "sacrifice of praise." God bless

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Monument"al Moments

All of us have had moments in our lives that have forever changed the direction we were headed. Moments that have shaped who we are today. For some of us it may have been our first car, a first date, our first real job. Sometimes these moments are not good or pleasant moments, but they still shape our lives. The Bible tells us of a time in the lives of the Israelites when God commanded them to build memorials. In Joshua chapter 4, the Israelites had just crossed the river Jordan while it was at flood stage. God had miraculously parted the waters and allowed them to cross on dry ground. God then commands them to collect 12 stones and build a monument on the other side of Jordan where they would spend the night. This collection of stones would serve three purposes: 1) It would serve as a reminder to them and to their children. 2) It would be a testimony to the world as to what God is able to do for us. 3) It would remind them to always fear or have a holy reverance for God.
The monuments in our lives serve the same purpose. As believers, we are to build "monument" that will allow us to share with our children how good God has been, to let our friends and family know what God can do for them, and to keep our hearts in the right place. Have you built any lately? Have you gone back lately to some places where God really moved in your life? If not, do so. Some of us are perhaps struggling right now. Life has not been easy. I challenge you to "go back" to some places in your life where God was faithful and let that be an encouragement to you. Remember that Jesus is the same "yesterday, today, and forever." God bless

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It Takes Time

We live in a day when people are looking for instant success and greatness. Just this week, a dad has been accused of using his children to gain instant fame and riches. The reality is that very rarely can one become great overnight. Greatness takes time and patience. When God spoke to Abram to leave his homeland and enter into a new land, he was already 75. Abram would have to wait 25 years before he would hold the promise of his son in his arms. That means that Abram was 100 when Isaac was born!!! In the 25 years between God making the promise and Abram holding the first part of it in his arms, a lot of things happened. There were times when it probably felt like maybe he had misunderstood what God was saying. Maybe he felt like God forgot about him and found someone else. Have you ever felt that way? Don't. God has destined you for greatness. This greatness however is not for you to have a name, but for the name of the Lord to be praised. God wants to display his power and glory through us. To do this, He must work on us to get us where we need to be. To become who we are to be. So be patient today and wait on the Lord. He will do great things!!! God bless

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am posting this blog from the dealership while getting my oil changed. I have come to realize that no matter how much I try, my scedule will never go as planned and that I have to make the best of every possible moment. I want to revisit something that the Holy Spirit put in me for the men's retreat this past weekend. In Genesis chapter 12, we are told of Abram and how God called upon him to leave his fathers house and country and move to a land where he would be a stranger. The promise to Abram was that if he obeyed, God would cause him to become great and to give birth to a great nation. This is a powerful concept. Abram had already reached the age of 75 and God was calling him to virtually start living life over again. Many of us would have pretended we did not hear God or would have ignored Him. Abram did not and God came through on His promise. The reason that many of us are not seeing the great things of God manifested in our lives is because we have limited God. We have put limitations on Him and restricted His access in our day to day lives. We continue to play "plastic church" and serve a "plastice Jesus." Jesus is not plastic and neither is His church. We must walk in faith and believe in God for great things. Get out of the way today and let God be God. God bless

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was a great success. The men of our church left out on Thursday for Murphy, NC and returned yesterday. Friday, after only 3 hours of sleep, our men headed out at 7:30 for Prayer Mountain. (I will be blogging about these locations later in the week.) We were able to visit not only Prayer Mountain, but the meeting house for the first General Assembly of the Church of God and the location of the Shearer School house as well. We were challenged at each location by the Holy Spirit and spent time in prayer every time we stopped. God moved on the men of Friendship this weekend. We were challenged to take of the limitations that we have put on God and believe in Him for great things.
Last night we took a group from our church to the Casting Crowns concert and had a blast worshipping with so many people of different denominations and backgrounds. I looked around the arena last night and wathced as so a great number of people lifted hands and voices to God in praise and did not care what others thought. The service had a sweet yet powerful presence of God. I am so thankful for what God has done in me and our church this weekend. It truely is time to take off the plastic church mentality and become the Body of Christ!!! Our religious routines are getting us no where. Let us become the disciples of Christ. God bless

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Good morning. I pray that your day has started in a blessed way. This morning will be my last blog for a few days. My next will be on Sunday morning. The reason for my absence is that I am going a men's retreat with our church. This is going to be a great weekend. I believe that God is speaking to me for our men and our church. We are traveling to Murphy, NC to see the beginning place of the Church of God. This is going to be a special time. The theme for this weekend is "Momunent Moments." Without going into much detail and giving anything away, I believe that there are moments is our lives that are meant to change the course and direction of our lives. These are "monument moments."
In 1886 in Murphy, NC, eight individuals hungry for God formed the Christian Union. Out of these eight hungry souls came what is now known as the Church of God. I am fourth generation and proud of my upbringing in this church. I have been speaking to you about being great, and that is what this weekend is about for our men. Eight individuals in a mountain community in 1886 changed the course of so many. What can God do with you? Meditate on that for a few days and I will be back on Sunday. God bless

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Will it Take?

What will it take? That is the question on my mind today. The Bible says in John 12:37, "But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him:" How is it that they missed who Jesus was? How is it that they had so many evidences that Jesus was the Son of God and yet they still did not believe? The question still rings true today. He has been so faithful yet people still refuse. People choose to walk in darkness and bondage rather than to simply believe. My question today is not just for the sinner, it is also for the church. How is it that we come to church yet can not believe God for the miracles that we have? Church, have faith in God. Have faith for you and for your families. Don't doubt what God can do. Have faith. God bless

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fighting for America

There is no question that our nation is at a crossroads. We are at an intersection of differing ideas and philosophies. There are things being presented to us that totally go against the teachings of Christ and the life we are commanded to live. One of my "guilty pleasures" is listening to talk radio. I am a very patriotic person. The years leading to and the time of the American Revolution, is my favorite period to study. I love history. I cried on September 11, 2009 when our nation was struck by terrisom. I too came close to signing up and going to battle for this nation that I love. My calling however is on another battlefield. Today, while our soldiers are in other lands fighting to keep our freedom and the freedom of others, we here at home are fight another war. A war to keep our nation intact. A war to defend our constitution. A war to uphold what our forefathers had invisioned us to become. If we do not fight now, what will our children have to endure in the future? What will our grandchildren have left? We must fight. However, our fighting is not with guns and bullets. Our fighting is not done with protests and sit-ins. We fight with prayer. We as Christian are told that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with spiritual forces of evil. I believe that we are engaged with spiritual warfare. I believe, as the Apostle John said, "the spirit of Antichrist is already at work." Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I am not calling anyone the Antichrist. I am simply saying that the battle we are fighting is against that spirit. The only way to fight is through prayer. We must pray for our leaders. We must pray for our judges. We must pray for our churches and pastors. We ther church must pray!!! The Bible tells us that if we will humble ourselves, repent, and turn from our sins and pray, that God will hear our prayers and heal our land. Church, lets arm ourselves and pray. God bless

Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

Today we celebrate the explorations of Christopher Columbus. We all remember something about this from our school days. In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Ring a bell? The reason that I am focusing on this today is because Christopher was no different from you or I. In fact, he was considered by some to be crazy because he thought the world to be round in a day when it was considered to be flat. Yet he did not let the scoffers hinder his passion. There was greatness in store for Mr. Columbus. The same is true for us today. God has something great planned for each of us. In us today is greatness. The question is how will you let it play out? Will we settle for an average life? Will we just go through the motions of life and never realize our potential? Maybe you feel like you could never do something great. I beg to differ. Again, there is greatness in you. You may never discover a new land, but there is a work in you that God has created you for. Seek God today and do not limit yourself. Be great and God bless.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy Days

We are living in a busy time of life. We all feel from time to time that there are just not enough hours in the day. Many people work such long hours that by the time they get home in the evenings they have no real time for their families. There are few families who enjoy time around the dinner table reflecting on the day and its events. We are so busy that we are losing our families. My encouragemnet to you today is find time for family. Make the time to sit around a meal, make time to play a game, make time to take a walk, or to simply get away. Time is something that none of us can get back. When it is gone, its gone for good. Those of you with children, enjoy now even the little things. Make memories that will last a lifetime. God bless and have a great Sunday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Finding My Place

Most of us have spent our whole lives trying to find our purpose. We have chased relationships, careers, and money. We thought we would be satisfied with material things or perhaps a position or post. The reality is that our place is with God. Psalms 139:14 says "we are fearfully and wonderfully made." God has created us with care and purpose. I am created in His likeness and image. I have been given the mandate to "replenish" and have "domion." In Psalms 139:17 it says that God has a great "sum" of thoughts or plans for us. I want you to know today that our place is with God. Our place is in His presence and in His work. Apart from that there is no peace or happiness.
As a young pastor, I look around and see how others are doing ministry. I notice that some are very traditional while others are more contemporary. The question for me is, "where do I fit in?" I too sometimes feel like I am torn between two types of ministry. I enjoy the relaxed yet aggressive nature of the contemporary churches and yet I feel at home in a traditional setting. So for some time I have struggled in "finding my place." I have come to the conclusion that for me it is okay to be both. That you don't have to choose because they both identify with a segment of our current culture. We can no longer seperate ourselves by the style that we most prefer. We must as God's children, come together and lift up the name of Christ. The purpose is not to be better than the other or more right than the other, but to reap the harvest. You see, that is my place. The harvest field. So don't hate on me if I wear a suit and don't hate on me if I wear a pair of jeans. Don't hate on someone who spikes their hair and don't hate on someone who parts their hair. Let's just win the lost and let Jesus be Lord. God bless

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who is Like the Lord?

In Psalms 89:8, the Psalmists ask the Lord "who is like you?"(NCV) The answer is of course, no one. No one is like God. No one compares to God. No one loves like Him or has mercy like Him. We could go on and on because there is NO ONE like our God! I saw today where a survey suggest that 1 in 4 are now Muslim. I don't know how true that statement really is, but what if it is. What if 1 in 4 are Muslim? What if our young people continue to be taught in our colleges that you can get to heaven through any faith that you choose because all roads lead to God in the end? What if we continue to ignore God and do our own thing? What if? You see, Allah does not compare to my God. They make him sound similar to Jehovah, but he is not. They say that they are one in the same, but they are not. Deuteronomy 6:4 says, "our God is one LORD." His name is Yahweh, not Allah. There are not many ways to God, just one. Jesus declared Himself to be the "way, truth, and life." He said that no on could get to the Father unless they go through Him. Meaning that it is a relationship with Christ that gives you eternity with the Father. You can not get there any other way. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and always present. There is no one like our God. God bless

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


What does it mean to be normal? Everyone is looking to have a "normal" life. To have a normal family, a normal routine, a normal job. The question is how do I know when I am normal? What if God does not intend for me to have what others consider to be normal? I have learned that what the world may believe is normal does not look anything like what I am called to be in Christ. For example, the world will consider drinks with a friend at a bar or club to be normal, but in Christ those things are abnormal. They do not agree with the lifestyle I am called to live. For me to spend time in prayer or in worship is normal, but for the world it is abnormal. They think that I am wierd. You see, we as Christians do not fit in with this world. We have been transformed through the forgiveness of God through Christ Jesus. We are called to live spiritual lives. We are called to leave behind the things of this world. Don't seek the normal life of this world, for it is abnormal to you as a believer. Live the life God has created you for. God bless

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wasted Grace

In 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul is reminding the church that it was the gospel of Christ that he had presented to them and that in believing in Christ they were saved. He gives an account of those who had seen the resurrected Lord as a defense to the message. In that defense he adds that he also had seen Christ, but as one born out of season. He then remarks, "God's grace has made me what I am."(NCV) No doubt the same is to be said for each of us. Had it not been for the grace of God none of us would have this wonderful opportunity to serve Him. In Ephesians chapter two we are told that "we are saved by grace through faith." It's God's grace that has allowed me to come into relationship and to be His son. Praise God for His grace!
Paul doesn't stop there, he adds, "His grace to me was not wasted." I wonder if we have ever wasted God's grace in our lives. You see, Paul was speaking of his ministry to the Lord and the church. He knew what God wanted him to do with his life and for what reason God had saved him. He gave everything to follow God and fulfill God's call. By doing that, he was able to say that God's grace was not wasted. God has wonderfully and mercifuly saved us from our sins. But He did not save us so we could then just waste our lives and wait for heaven. How is your relationship with the Father today? Have you spent time in His presence? Have you spent time in prayer today to see what He might have planned for you and to prepare to do what He has planned? The question I most want to ask is, Are you living the life He died for you to live? These are some powerful questions that only you can answer. I pray today that I have not wasted His grace, but if I have may He forgive me and help me never to do it again. Search your hearts today and look at the direction you are headed in. Are you wasting grace today? God bless

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rainy Monday

Today is a rainy Monday. Monday's are generally tough on me anyway, and then to add the cool morning and the rain just doesn't seem fair. This was one of those mornings when I wanted to stay in bed a little longer. Unfortunatley, I had a three year old yelling "its get up time guys!" Why is it that kids feel the need to interrupt good sleep? Anyway, I just want to encourage you to enjoy this day. Even with the rain and the fall temperature, it is a great day. Who knows what God has in store for you today? I have already this morning received a praise report of how God had moved in them and their home since last nights service. God is amazing!!! Do your jobs well, pay attention to your spouse and children, but also take some time for you today as well. You deserve it. God bless

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Excited to Serve

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It is also the busiest day of the week for me. I preach twice on Sundays and spend most of my day at the church between services. Some would say that is not how they would describe their favorite day. I believe it has to do with how you look at it. For me it is not a burden but a delight. You see, I am serving my King! What else could be more fun and exciting? What else could bring more satisfaction? Too many church goers are missing the point of church attendance. Too many that work in the church are missing the joy of serving. You are not to do it for man, but God. You have been given the opportunity to work for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. David says in Psalms 84:10, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked." You see, its not what you do, rather that you do it with joy and love. It doesn't matter if you are a teacher or a greeter, an usher or janitor, as long as you have joy in serving your King. So don't let Sunday become a joyless part of the week. Take Sunday back and worship God with it. Let it become the best day of the week. God bless

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dealing with Enemies

How do you deal with your enemies? If you are like most people, you probably treat them like they are your enemies. You give them the cold shoulder when you see them. You carry around anger and resentment for what they did or said. You think about bad things coming on them. Perhaps you even seek revenge. The problem with this approach is that its not God's way. We all have someone who has come into our lives and hurt us in some way. Whether it was someone close to us or a new aquintance, it still hurt. The question is how to deal with the hurt and the individual. Matthew 5:44 says, "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Wow, what a concept. This is certainly not how the world deals with its enemies and more than likely the same goes for you. We have been taught by tv, books, magazines, and unfortunatly our own families, that the way to deal with enemies is to be an enemy in return. Jesus teaches something all together different. He teaches that we are to love them. How does one come to be able to do this? The answer comes in the second part of that verse. Jesus says, "pray for those who perecute you." When we as Christians pray, we begin to take on the mindset and heart of the Father (when done right). We are not to pray for them to be hurt or destroyed. We are to pray for their salvation and forgiveness. We are to forgive them and release them from the offense they have committed. We pray for them to be soft to the Word of God and His love. When we pray this way, we will find that we are not hurt any longer. Instead, we are concerned for them and their future.
Another way to deal with our enemies is found in Romans 12:20. We are taught in this verse to do something nice for those who are our enemies. We are told to feed them when they are hungry and give drink if they are thirsty. By doing this, the Bible says that we will overcome evil with good. You see, revenge belongs to God and not you. Those who have hurt you have a soul that God cares for. Do not be a stumbling block to their salvation. Let them see God and His love through you and your actions. It may lead them to accepting Christ as their Savior, and if they are already in the church, to seek forgiveness. Spend today loving your enemies. God bless

Friday, October 2, 2009

Living in a Me World

Sometime in the late 80's early 90's, Madonna came out with a song about living in a "Material World." I know, your thinking, "What does a pastor know about Madona?" Well, I haven't always been saved! Anyway, the song dealt with a selfish motive to gain material things. Unfortunatly, that is far too often the real mindset for most of our country. We have a "self" problem. Everything we do is based on what we will receive in return. We no longer help our neighbors just for the sake of being friendly. We no longer go out of our way to help a stranded motorist or a family in need. We are far to often so wrapped up in "us", that even our own families pay the price. Jesus calls us to "deny ourselves." He calls us to put others first and ourselves last. Wow, what a thouht. Most of our time and energy is invested in getting instead of giving. The same goes for our money and resources as well. We have traded the mind of Christ, for the mind of this age. I pray that the minds of God's people will be transformed. That we would focus on meeting the needs of others. That we would become givers and not takers. Let our actions not be motivated out of greed(wanting something in return), but rather, out of love. Let us leave the "me" world and enter into a Kingdom mindset. God bless