Friday, November 6, 2009


Faithful. What does that word mean to you? What does it mean to have someone in your life that is considered faithful? To me it is very important to have people around me that are faithful. I need to know that I can count on my family and friends. I need to know that I can go to someone when there are issues in my life and that they are not going to spread my stuff around. Unfortunatly, in our society, faithful people are hard to come by. It seems that we are living in a season where people are looking out for themselves and no one else. We do, however, have One that we can go to at all times and He will no let us down. Hebrews chapter 7 deals with Christ being our High Priest. In verse 24 we are told that His priesthood is unchangeable. This means that He is forever our Priest. He will never leave the office of Priest. In verse 25 we are told that "He ever liveth to make intercession for us." Intercession means that He stands in the gap for us. It means that He stands up for us when things get tough. It also means that we can take to Him our issues and He will faithfully help us with them. We can count on Jesus to never let us down. We can count on Him to always be there. You may be in a season in your life where you need someone to turn too and you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone around you. I want to encourage you to talk to Jesus. He is here for us. He will listen to your problems and He will have the answer you are looking for. Turn to Jesus your High Priest today. God bless

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