Monday, October 5, 2009

Rainy Monday

Today is a rainy Monday. Monday's are generally tough on me anyway, and then to add the cool morning and the rain just doesn't seem fair. This was one of those mornings when I wanted to stay in bed a little longer. Unfortunatley, I had a three year old yelling "its get up time guys!" Why is it that kids feel the need to interrupt good sleep? Anyway, I just want to encourage you to enjoy this day. Even with the rain and the fall temperature, it is a great day. Who knows what God has in store for you today? I have already this morning received a praise report of how God had moved in them and their home since last nights service. God is amazing!!! Do your jobs well, pay attention to your spouse and children, but also take some time for you today as well. You deserve it. God bless

1 comment:

  1. As I have had to learn, there is a reason why God has not blessed me with a job yet. Last week I was able to go outside in the middle of the day and walk our dog. Though that doesn't seem like a big deal, and in years past I wouldn't have thought so either. I was able to enjoy the simple things the Lord had provided that day like the beautiful fall day, the cool breeze and the our dog trying to catch falling leaves. So today I am going to enjoy the cool temperatures and the rain, by curling up on the couch with some coffee and my Bible and spending time in the Word. Thank you Lord for this time you are giving me to enjoy the simple pleasures.
