Wednesday, April 27, 2011

STEP Forward!

If you have been reading my blog the last few days then you have noticed that at the end of each blog I type the words STEP Forward. It comes from Philippians chapter 3 and what Paul tells us about leaving our past behind, and pressing forward. As I mentioned the other day, this has become something special to me that I am, by God's grace, trying to apply to my daily life. It stands for, "Saved from my past, Transformed and Empowered for my present, and Pressing forward to my future in Christ." That is the life I want to live. Saved...Transformed...Empowered...Pressing! Each day is a STEP that has to be taken. A STEP to forget who we were so we can become who He called us to be. A STEP forward in understanding that it is by His power and not our own. A STEP forward in realizing that we are not finished on this journey and that heaven awaits us. We must take a STEP each day or we will go backwards. To not be pressing forward is to retreat. So please....STEP Forward!

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